Program Overview

Program Overview

The First Year Experience (Overview)

The College of Arts and Sciences offers an innovative yearlong freshmen program to help students successfully transition from high school to the university. As every student's needs are different, the First Year Experience program is built on five main components. With the help of an advisor, students choose from these components to design a personalized program that meets their individual needs. Our goal is to help new students become part of UC and the College of Arts and Sciences, and to keep them excited about learning.

Arts & Sciences Freshmen Seminars

These interactive, small-enrollment courses are designed to involve students immediately in the intellectual life of the college. They allow freshmen the opportunity for in-depth, multi-faceted exploration of significant issues in today's world. Designed to help liberal arts students understand and engage in the process of knowledge discovery, the seminars will help new college students become successful university-level scholars. These courses (three credit hours each) are offered throughout the year and count towards A&S graduation requirements.

Discovering Arts & Sciences

This component of the First Year Experience is designed to demonstrate the benefits of a liberal arts education. Discovering Arts and Sciences explores many of the disciplines of the College of Arts and Sciences through original and innovative faculty, student, and alumni presentations. Students have the opportunity to explore their own interests and talents and to "try-on" different majors through a variety of interactive surveys and activities.

Learning Communities

Learning communities help students feel at home at this large world-class research university! Arts and Sciences students at UC have access to hundreds of award winning faculty that are truly excited to share their knowledge, and to state of the art equipment and facilities. To help students build relationships with individual faculty members and get connected to a group of students to study and socialize with, we suggest first year students join a learning community. Members of learning communities take several classes together with the same group of students, many of whom share similar interests. These courses are often linked through content and or pedagogy. Learning communities provide an opportunity to make friends, share ideas, and learn cooperatively. These communities create a small, personalized feel within UC's largest college.

Great Personalized Advising

The Student Affairs staff in French Hall West, 2nd floor is there to help our students! They provide guidance regarding all aspects of the students' college experience including course schedules, identifying areas of interest, and getting involved on campus. Our knowledgeable and friendly advisors are happy to provide information and make practical suggestions. All first year students in College of Arts and Sciences are assigned a personal advisor to work with throughout their college careers.

College Success Skills

This component of the First Year Experience focuses on vital skills such as time management, research skills, approaches to studying, and the use of technology for effective learning. Just one more way to make sure students get off to a great start in Arts and Sciences!