Early Intervention - Frequently Asked Questions

Early Intervention FAQ

Why was the UC Early Intervention System (EIS) developed?

The EIS was a recommendation of president Steger's Recruitment and Retention task force.

Who runs the EIS?

As required by the task force, the EIS is administered centrally through the Educational Services office in partnership with each UC undergraduate college student affairs & services office.

What will happen when I report a student?

Within 48 hours, a professional academic advisor will contact each reported student to offer assistance in addressing the problems indicated by the course instructor on the EIS web form (low attendance, course performance). As a result of an initial conversation between the advisor and student, additional resources and referrals would be provided such as tutoring, professor office hours, study skills & time management advising, personal counseling, academic counseling, etc.

Will the instructor be informed of what happens?

An automatic notification is returned to the instructor when information from the EIS webform is received. Additionally the system includes a log which is accessible using the "Details" link next to a student name on the class roster. It will be the practice of the academic advisor to encourage each student to inform the instructor of the student's action plan for improvement.

When should I report a student who is having some difficulty?

The Early Intervention boxes are available through the 57th calendar day of the semester. However, it is recommended that the student be reported as early as possible to maximize the intervention opportunities available to the student to improve their situation.

Which courses are included?

Course numbers through 4990 are included in the system.

Am I violating any privacy issues if I report the student?

No, the EIS has been designed to offer assistance to students that need help to be successful in their studies. The college liaisons involved with the EIS are very aware of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations and will treat the information garnered in a professional and confidential manner.

Who should instructors contact with additional questions about EIS?

Contact your college EIS liaison or Ned Donnelly Associate Director Educational Services (513) 556-5890 ned.donnelly@uc.edu.