Transform Into Bearcats

We're looking for Bearcats interested in developing events and programs to welcome new students to Uptown!

If you’re looking to gain leadership skills and make new friends, Transform Into Bearcats is the group for you!

Some of our past events and activities have included: Arts & Sciences Social Media Takeover, Encourage a Fellow Student during National Transfer Student Week, and THE SWAG SWAP with UC TRIVIA. We’re looking to make a bigger impact in the future!

What’s Transform Into Bearcats?

Lindner College of Business (LCOB) students pose for undergraduate marketing materials.

The purpose of Transform Into Bearcats is to provide transfer and transition students with an avenue to become more acclimated on UC’s campus. Transform Into Bearcats aims to help new transfer and transiton students feel welcome at the University of Cincinnati through informational meetings, campus tours, social events, and direct assitance.

Tranfer students, as well as, UC Blue Ash students and UC Clermont students are invited to join TIB in the hope to facilitate an easier transition to Uptown campus. You do NOT have to be a transfer/transition student to join our organization, it is open to everybody – we just specialize in assisting transfer/transition students.

If you’re interested in helping make an impact and/or holding an officer position in TIB, contact We look forward to welcoming you!