Faculty & Staff: Frequently Asked Questions


What the Campaign Is (and Isn’t):

It IS a targeted communications campaign inviting faculty and staff to participate in annual giving.  

It ISN’T a fund.  

It ISN’T obligatory.  

What Counts:  

ANY gift, of any amount, to any fund at the university, during the fiscal year – July 1-June 30.  You choose how to direct your gift based on what is meaningful to you.  

UC Foundation Fees (FY19):           

1% on endowments (calculated on principal)

5% on current-use gifts (i.e. gifts to non-endowment funds)

Where Your Gift Goes:

The entire amount of your gift (minus fees) must be used for the purpose of the fund to which it is designated.  For example, if you make a $100 gift to the A&S Scholarship Fund (a non-endowed fund), $95 goes directly to student scholarships.

Every fund - A&S has more than 425 – with more being added by donors every year - has documentation that directs and restricts how gifts to that fund can be used.  Every department has funds restricted for its use or for the benefit of its students. 

If you do NOT wish to receive solicitations, that is your right and it will be respected.  Please know that you can contact any member of the A&S Development Office, in confidence, to request to be removed from all solicitations.  You can also opt out of e-mails from the UC Foundation. 

Our office does, on a regular basis, provide information about gifts to department heads, so that they can personally reach out and thank their donors.  Moving forward, we will NOT share identifying information about individual gifts from faculty and staff to respect the confidentiality of our colleagues. 

About the online form:  We know the form can be confusing and difficult to navigate, so allow us to offer you at least one shortcut for indicating your desired fund.  If the fund you want is not listed in the search, or you cannot find it, just go straight to “Other” and type in the name of the fund.  Or reach out to us for help – we’re happy to do so.  We can walk you through setting up payroll deduction, selecting or designating a fund, or any other challenges you’re having. And if you want to bypass the online form altogether, we can provide paper pledge cards. 

Still have questions?

Please call, email or stop by to speak to a member of our team.