Sensorium 2022

November 19th and 20th, 2022 at the University of Cincinnati's new Digital Futures Building

The regional conference on sensory biology and sensory ecology is back!

  • Conference organizers: Elke Buschbeck, Elizabeth Hobson, John Layne, Nathan Morehouse, Stephanie Rollmann, and Dieter Vanderelst
Abstracts are due Friday, October 21!

What is Sensorium?

Please join us on Saturday, November 19th for a day of exciting presentations on the latest research in sensory biology and sensory ecology, followed by an evening of interesting conversations and socializing with colleagues. Sunday morning there will be an opportunity to participate in workshops and to visit laboratories. More information on the program is coming soon.

Registration is required for all attendees. Please register by November 4th. Regular tickets cost $25, and student/postdoc tickets cost $10. You can either give a talk (one per lab group only please), present a poster, or just come to listen in. To register, you will need to have your contact information and, if applicable, a title for your talk and abstract (200 words) as well as a credit card for the registration fee. Note that the registration fee includes lunch on Saturday. The Saturday night dinner banquet is available as an extra purchase.

Contributed Presentation Options

  • Lecture: 12-minute talks with 3-minute Q&A
  • Poster: open-hall poster session

Keynote Speaker & Schedule

Day 1: Saturday, November 19
8:30 Coffee available prior to talks

Talk session #1

Kristina Fialko, Building visual signal diversity by discrete modifications of color and motion

9:15 Ryan Lunn, Assessing Canada Goose avoidance behavior to lights tuned to their visual system
9:30 Audrey E Miller: Generating 3-dimensional multispectral models to study dynamic visual signals in animals
9:45 Thinh H. Nguyen, Modeling sensorimotor behavior in echolocating bats with machine learning
10:00 Coffee break
10:15 Poster Session #1

Plenary talk

Bruce Carlson, Neural mechanisms of evolutionary change in sensory perception: a case study in weakly electric fish

45 mins + Q&A

12:00 Lunch break

Talk session #2

Klara Katarina Nordén, All that glitters is not gold

1:45 Justin Remmell, Inhibition, not excitation, generates functional diversity between OFF-bipolar cells in the mouse retina
2:00 Ruma Chatterji, What is “front and center” in a fiddler crab’s spatial perception?
2:15 Shubham Rathore, Osmotic pressure and eye growth in the larval eyes of the Sunburst diving beetle Thermonectus marmoratus
2:30 Jennifer Hellmann, Vertical transmission of horizontally-acquired cues: Implications for transgenerational plasticity
2:45 Oluwaseun M. Ajayi, Sleep deprivation influences blood feeding propensity, host landing and immune gene expression in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti
3:00 Coffee break
3:15 Poster Session #2

Talk session #3

Kelly Ronald, A new ‘Canary in the Coalmine’: The house sparrow as a sentinel species for studying the effects of pollution

4:15 Ruth Simberloff, Limited communication distance for an urban songbird: functional implications for territory size
4:30 Noelia Lander, Environmental sensing in the unicellular parasite Trypanosoma cruzi
4:45 T Christopher Brown, Critical period plasticity exchanges neurons active in visual circuitry
5:00 David J Morris, Visual environment and the evolution of ornamental coloring in Habronattus jumping spiders
5:15 Rebecca Fuller, Polyphenisms and polymorphisms: genetic variation in plasticity as a function of lighting environment in bluefin killifish




Somerhaus Event Space

1415 Republic St, Cincinnati OH 45202

Saturday Night Conference Banquet

A photograph of the Somerhaus event space, decorated with long tables, a longboat hanging on the ceiling, and decorate lights and greenery.

Somerhaus Event Space

The conference banquet can be added to registration as an additional $35 ticket. The banquet will be hosted at Somerhaus Event Space with catering from Mazunte.

Dinner and drinks will be included along with an evening of mingling with conference attendees.

About the Venue

Sensorium will take place at the University of Cincinnati’s new Digital Futures Building, which is conveniently located next to the Martin Luther King Exit off I75, and in relatively close proximity to main campus. The building is located at 3080 Exploration Ave, and has a parking garage located under the building. This space represents UC’s first interdisciplinary research facility and houses modern conference rooms and many nice, informal meeting spaces.

Registration comes with free lunch on Saturday and refreshments at breaks. Wi-Fi connectivity will be available throughout the event via UC_secure (for UC affiliates) and UC_guest Wi-Fi services. More about the UC guest Wi-Fi can be found here.


The Graduate
151 Goodman Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Booking Coupon Code: UNVCIN


Sensorium 2022 is supported by the Institute for Research in Sensing (IRiS), the Department of Biological Sciences, the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Cincinnati, and the Center for Cognition, Action, and Perception.