Why study Biochemistry?

Chemists explore the molecular structure of matter in order to develop theories about how these structures work and to apply those theories to the development of useful new products. Biochemistry applies the ideas and theories of chemistry to the complex realm of biological systems. Biochemists explore the chemical structure and functioning of biological molecules such as proteins, enzymes and DNA. Biochemists also study the chemical reactions that provide energy to cells so that they can carry out their physiological functions. An important goal of biochemistry is to use an understanding of the chemical basis of biological systems to develop new and more effective pharmaceutical agents to prevent or cure serious illnesses.

Admission Requirements

Freshmen applicants, please visit the Admission Requirements page for more information.

UC's College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) BS program in biochemistry is well suited for students with a background and interest in sciences such as biology and chemistry. The BS biochemistry program is most appropriate for students with strengths in biology, chemistry and mathematics. Also, since the program requires extensive laboratory work, an enjoyment of hands-on laboratory work is important. Biochemistry majors learn to critically observe and record what happens in the laboratory; they analyze data and apply knowledge learned in the classroom to draw conclusions about their observations.

Graduates of this major are employed as:

  • scientists in the pharmaceutical industry
  • scientists in state, local or federal government laboratories
  • scientists in biomedical research labs
  • chemistry and biochemistry teachers and professors
  • industrial research and development scientists, including personal and health care products
  • forensic scientists
  • toxicologists
  • physicians and health care professionals
The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.

Click here to declare the program online

Chemistry Minor

The minor is designed for students who want a strong background in chemistry to complement their major area of study. Students who are enrolled in pre-professional programs may also find a minor in chemistry to be helpful to their professional preparation. To obtain a minor in chemistry, a minimum of 26 credits must be successfully completed, with the following distribution:

  • General Chemistry and Lab: CHEM 1040-1041, 1040L-1041L (10 credits)
  • Organic Chemistry and Lab: CHEM 2040-2041, 2040L – 2041L (10 credits)
  • At least six credits from any additional chemistry courses numbered 2050 or higher [except 2080, 4080, 5020, 5030 and 5080].

Certificate Program
There is no certificate program in chemistry for students currently enrolled in a major at the University of Cincinnati. Rather, the minor in chemistry described above is available. Students not currently enrolled in a major may earn a certificate in chemistry (but not a minor in chemistry) by completing the same set of requirements needed for the minor.

Individuals not yet enrolled as UC students may declare the certificate after establishing non-matriculated status.

Students interested in pursuing a minor in chemistry should see the undergraduate program director to plan a program.

Students in the UC  College of Arts and Sciences enjoy many benefits afforded through study at a research-intensive institution ranked among the nation's top 25 public research universities. UC's urban, Tristate location offers exciting opportunities for global education, research and service learning, while its student-centered focus includes an 11:1 student-faculty ratio, a nationally recognized Center for Exploratory Studies and a highly successful First Year Experience program that teaches critical skills for first-year students and provides connections with important campus resources.

4+1 Cosmetic Science Master’s Degree

Chemistry majors interested in a career as a Cosmetic Scientist can now complete their bachelor’s and master’s degree in 5 years, without having to take the GRE. Students will be introduced to cosmetic science classes after their first year while continuing to study basic chemistry and eventually will move onto a full year of cosmetic science during the 5th year.  They will have two co-op opportunities, one each during the third and fourth year. Once in graduate school, students’ coursework will include skin care science, hair care science, formulation science, and color cosmetics in order to be well-prepared to enter this rapid-growth job market.

Important experiential opportunities are available to students in this program, including undergraduate research and academic internships. Undergraduate research is strongly encouraged, and many undergraduates co-author journal articles from the research they conduct in the department. The optional academic internship program in chemistry allows students in the program to have industrial lab experience along with their formal course of study.

To graduate from the UC College of Arts and Sciences, students must:

  • Earn at least 120 credits. This can include transfer credit, AP credit and free electives, but does not include preparatory coursework. Students who have met all other degree requirements must continue earning credit until the total number of their earned hours comes to at least 120.
  • Attain a 2.0 grade point average for all courses taken at the University of Cincinnati.
  • Be in good academic standing, that is, not on either academic probation or disciplinary probation or suspension.
  • Complete the residency requirement by earning at least 30 credits after matriculating into the university.
  • Complete all of the requirements of at least one major (see major requirements above).
  • Complete the College Core Requirements.
  • Submit an application for graduation to the registrar's office by their posted deadline.

Admission to A&S is generally available for any off-campus student who was admissible directly from high school and has a cumulative 2.0 GPA and a 2.0 in the most recent institution.

Students who were not admissible directly from high school must have:

  • 24 semester (36 quarter) hours earned
  • at least a cumulative 2.0 GPA and a 2.0 at most recent institution

Transfer students should apply using our transfer student online application

University transfer scholarships are available to those who meet specific requirements and ANY admitted A&S transfer student might qualify for an A&S transfer scholarship. Deadlines and eligibility criteria are online via the previous links.

For any inquiries, please contact us at artsci@ucmail.uc.edu

Admission to A&S is generally available for any on-campus student who was admissible directly from high school and has a cumulative 2.0 GPA.

Students who were not admissible directly from high school must have:

  • 24 semester (36 quarter) hours earned
  • at least a cumulative 2.0 GPA 

Explore unique opportunities, faculty, and resources available in Chemistry

Application Deadlines

While midyear admission is possible, fall semester is generally the best time to enter the college, since many course sequences begin in that semester. Applicants to the UC College of Arts and Sciences who are enrolled or who were previously enrolled as degree-seeking students in A&S or in other UC colleges should apply for admission directly to A&S (in French West, 2nd Floor). All other applicants who wish to earn an undergraduate degree from A&S should apply through the Office of Admissions (3rd Floor, University Pavilion).

The University of Cincinnati and all regional campuses are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Contact Information

Anne Vonderheide, PhD
Assoc. Professor-Educator and Director of Undergraduate Studies
508 Rieveschl, PO Box 210172
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0172
(513) 556-9331

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Program Code: 15BAC-BIOC-BS