Why study Physics?

Physics is the study of the physical laws of nature. Physicists apply these laws to draw conclusions about a wide range of phenomena, from the structures of subatomic particles to planetary motion. Physics majors develop strong analytical skills, learning to produce and examine critically exact quantitative evidence for theories about the workings of the universe.

Admission Requirements

Freshmen applicants, please visit the Admission Requirements page for more information.

The successful physics student must possess strong skills in mathematics, analytical thinking and writing, and problem solving. The student should be imaginative and welcome challenges. For greatest success, the student should function well both individually and as part of a group.

The study of physics provides excellent training in quantitative and analytic approaches to solving problems, as well as experience with computers and laboratory equipment. Physics BA graduates are highly sought for professional programs in law, economics, medicine, neuroscience, business and teachings.

The emphasis on modeling and problem-solving skills as an intrinsic part of a physics education means that graduates of this major can and do pursue many different careers. In addition to continuing on to professional schools like law, medicine, teaching and business, opportunities of our recent graduates include:

  • Science teacher
  • Banking and finance
  • Military officer
  • Accelerator operator
  • Research technician
  • Computer engineer
  • Software development
  • Actuary
  • Medical physics
The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.

The undergraduate minor in physics is designed to provide students with a sound introduction to both classical and modern physics. It is offered to students in any college at the University of Cincinnati; however, the required physics courses must be taken in UC College of Arts and Sciences (A&S).

Course Requirements (32 total credit hours):

Required Courses (22 hours):

PHYS 2005-2006, 2005L-2006L, College Physics I & II with Labs (10 hours)

MATH 1061-1062, Calculus I & II (8 hours)

MATH 2063, Multivariable Calculus (4 hours)

Core Elective (choose one of the following three courses) (3-5 hours):

PHYS 2076, Semiconductor Physics for Engineers (3 hours)

PHYS 3001C, Intermediate Physics I, (5 hours)

PHYS 3002C, Intermediate Physics II, (5 hours)

Physics Electives (5-8 hours):

Take additional PHYS courses beyond the required and core courses, to reach a total of at least 20 credit hours of physics. At least 6 credits from the core or physics electives must come from 3000 level or higher physics courses.

Click here to declare the minor online

Students in the UC College of Arts and Sciences enjoy many benefits afforded through study at a research-intensive institution ranked among the nation's top 25 public research universities. UC's urban, Tristate location offers exciting opportunities for global education, research and service learning, while its student-centered focus includes an 11:1 student-faculty ratio, a nationally recognized Center for Exploratory Studies and a highly successful First Year Experience program that teaches critical skills for first-year students and provides connections with important campus resources.

The physics faculty members engage in forefront research in the major areas in physics. Opportunities are available for students to be involved in such research, often leading to publications. Our relatively small class size allows for significant personal attention to each student. Our curriculum is designed to be flexible to allow for different career goals. Our majors have access to excellent computer facilities, and computation is incorporated intrinsically into our courses. The department recently began offering an optional co-op experience in the summer before the junior or senior year for qualifying students. UC is one of only a few physics departments in the country to offer such an opportunity.

To graduate from the UC College of Arts and Sciences, students must:

  • Earn at least 120 credits. This can include transfer credit, AP credit and free electives, but does not include preparatory coursework. Students who have met all other degree requirements must continue earning credit until the total number of their earned hours comes to at least 120.
  • Attain a 2.0 grade point average for all courses taken at the University of Cincinnati.
  • Be in good academic standing, that is, not on either academic probation or disciplinary probation or suspension.
  • Complete the residency requirement by earning at least 30 credits after matriculating into the university.
  • Complete all of the requirements of at least one major (see major requirements above).
  • Complete the College Core Requirements.
  • Submit an application for graduation to the registrar's office by their posted deadline.

Admission to A&S is generally available for any off-campus student who was admissible directly from high school and has cumulative 2.0 GPA and a 2.0 in the most recent institution.

Students who were not admissible directly from high school must have:

  • 24 semester (36 quarter) hours earned
  • at least a cumulative 2.0 GPA and a 2.0 at most recent institution

Transfer students should apply using our transfer student online application

University transfer scholarships are available to those who meet specific requirements and ANY admitted A&S transfer student might qualify for an A&S transfer scholarship. Deadlines and eligibility criteria are online via the previous links.

For any inquiries please contact us at artsci@ucmail.uc.edu

Admission to A&S is generally available for University of Cincinnati students enrolled in other colleges if they were admissible directly from high school, have a cumulative 2.0 GPA and a 2.0 in their most recent UC college.

Explore unique opportunities, faculty, and resources available in Physics

Application Deadlines

While midyear admission is possible, fall semester is generally the best time to enter the college, since many course sequences begin in that semester. Applicants to the UC College of Arts and Sciences who are enrolled or who were previously enrolled as degree-seeking students in A&S or in other UC colleges should apply for admission directly to A&S (in French West, 2nd Floor). All other applicants who wish to earn an undergraduate degree from A&S should apply through the Office of Admissions (3rd Floor, University Pavilion).

The University of Cincinnati and all regional campuses are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Contact Information

Undergraduate Program Director
400 Geology/Physics
PO Box 210011
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0011

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Program Code: 15BAC-PHYS-BA