Why study Geography?

The Department of Geography has two MA degree options; an accelerated one-year, non-thesis program, and a two-year, thesis program. The MA non-thesis program has been structured primarily for students who have an undergraduate degree in geography and who desire to enter the job market upon completion of a masters program. The MA thesis program is recommended for students who wish to continue graduate work in a PhD program. The MA thesis program also may be appropriate for students who do not have an adequate background in geography and who wish to take additional course work over a longer time period (2 years). Candidates for the Masters of Arts degree are expected to show broad mastery of the field, with a focus on the areas of departmental strength, including economic, urban and historical-cultural geography. Also available is a concentration in physical geography, with slightly different requirements and options. Students are expected

  1. to complete satisfactorily certain required courses and seminars,
  2. to complete additional work in areas related to their special interests (either within or outside the department) and
  3. to write a thesis and defend it successfully, or write a research paper and successfully conclude a field problem (non-thesis option).

Admission Requirements

To apply for our graduate programs, you must complete an on-line application through the UC Graduate School’s Application website.

The application requires the following documents:

  1. Unofficial transcripts are submitted online as part of the admission application process. Official transcripts of the student’s academic record of all undergraduate and graduate studies are submitted directly to the department, to the attention of the Geography Graduate Program Director. Applicants must have a minimum grade-point average (GPA) of 3.00 or foreign equivalent.
  2. Three letters of recommendation, commenting upon the student’s aptitude and potential for graduate studies and research.
  3. Official GRE scores (verbal ability, quantitative ability, and analytic ability), which need to be sent to the University of Cincinnati (institution code 1833) directly from ETS. The Department of Geography requires minimum score of 300 (verbal + quantitative) or 1080 as regarding to prior scale.
  4. A short essay (no longer than 2 pages in length) that briefly and cogently describes your educational background, past research experience, anticipated research project and topic, and explains your reasons for pursuing a graduate degree in geography at the University of Cincinnati. Your statement of purpose should also name up to two potential mentors from the faculty members with whom you have already been in contact and/or with whom you share research interests.
  5. Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Resume.
  6. Academic/professional writing samples, which are encouraged but not mandatory.
The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.
Dr. Changjoo Kim, Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Geography and GIS
University of Cincinnati
401 Braunstein Hall
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0131

International students who do not hold an undergraduate or graduate degree from a university in an English-speaking country must provide TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) scores. This requirement may be waived for a foreign student who has completed an academic program of two or more years at an accredited American college or university. You must request ETS to electronically transmit your official TOEFL scores to University of Cincinnati at ETS code 1833.Unofficial TOEFL or IELTS scores may also be input during the online application process.

Explore unique opportunities, faculty, and resources available in Geography

Application Deadlines

To be fully considered for financial support, applications should be submitted by January 15. The application deadline for admission is April 15.

The University of Cincinnati and all regional campuses are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Contact Information

Angela Ianniello, Program Manager
Braunstein 481
Cincinnati, OH 45221
(513) 556-2772

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Program Code: 15MAS-GEOG-MA