Why study Asian Studies?

Asia is gaining increasing economic and strategic prominence in the world, and Asian countries have rich and fascinating cultures and heritages. Asian studies is an interdisciplinary program that explores the languages, cultures, economics, history, geography and politics of Asian countries. Students may also study abroad in Asia, pursue internships and apply for fellowships.

Admission Requirements

Students already pursuing a degree in any college at UC can add the minor to their program. Be sure to submit a declaration of the minor using our online form.

In addition, you must meet with the program director so that the department is aware that you are pursuing the minor and can advise you appropriately. Do this early enough to avoid delay in obtaining your minor.

American businesses, governmental and nongovernmental organizations are deeply involved in Asia, yet there are not enough American professionals who are knowledgeable about the region. A minor or certificate in Asian studies makes students highly sought in an increasingly global marketplace. In addition to being well-prepared for graduate school, graduates of the program have gone on to pursue careers such as:  

  • Teaching in an Asian country
  • Working with U.S. firms interested in Asia
  • Research and analysis
The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.

Contact the program director, whose name and information appear on the side of this page.

Students in UC's College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) enjoy many benefits afforded through study at a research-intensive institution ranked among the nation's top 25 public research universities. UC's urban, Tristate location offers exciting opportunities for global education, research and service learning, while its student-centered focus includes an 11:1 student-faculty ratio, a nationally recognized Center for Exploratory Studies and a highly successful First Year Experience program that teaches critical skills for first-year students and provides connections with important campus resources.

If you have declared the minor, then it will appear on your application for graduation.

Apply for graduation as you normally would for your bachelor’s degree.

Explore unique opportunities, faculty, and resources available in Asian, East European, and German Studies

The University of Cincinnati and all regional campuses are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Contact Information

Dr. Junko Markovich
4212 Clifton Court Hall
ML 0372
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0372
(513) 556-2735

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Program Code: 15MIN-AIST-MIN