Why study Communication?

The academic discipline of communication focuses on discourse among people and within organizations and social institutions. The award-winning communication faculty members share a distinctive focus on contemporary social problems. Their research and the undergraduate program center on understanding issues of voice, identity, public participation and advocacy/leadership across communication domains including interpersonal, organizational, political, rhetorical, environmental, health and mediated communication.

Students in the program develop strong communication skills grounded in an advanced, theory-based understanding of communication processes. Classroom skills are further developed through experiential learning and community engagement with team-based projects, internships and residencies, service learning and collaboration with community organizations.

Admission Requirements

Students already pursuing a degree in any college at UC can add the minor to their program. Be sure to submit a declaration of the minor using our minor declaration form.

In addition, you must meet with the program director so that the department is aware that you are pursuing the minor and can advise you appropriately. Do this early enough to avoid delay in obtaining your minor.

Students in communication have excellent critical-thinking and writing abilities, and they are concerned with understanding society and improving social institutions and the well-being of individuals. Communication is an excellent program for students who are interested in working with people and groups in a variety of fields, e.g., business, social work and law.

The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.

The Department of Communication has an excellent advising staff for both current students and those considering Communication. Students who would like to speak with an advisor can meet with any one of our many faculty who hold regular advising hours.

We encourage students to develop a relationship with an advisor as soon as they enter the program. With careful planning, many students are able to earn their Communication degree, as well as a certificate or major in another program, and internship experience.

Contact the School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies for more information.

Students in the UC College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) enjoy many benefits afforded through study at a research-intensive institution ranked among the nation's top 25 public research universities. UC's urban, Tristate location offers exciting opportunities for global education, research and service learning, while its student-centered focus includes an 11:1 student-faculty ratio, a nationally recognized Center for Exploratory Studies and a highly successful First Year Experience program that teaches critical skills for first-year students and provides connections with important campus resources.

Undergraduate Student Organizations

  • Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)
  • The UC forensics/speech team travels to compete at different colleges and universities and is provided with a budget. A great way to improve your public speaking skills and resume
  • Ethos, a communication community engagement organization

Communication is a dynamic and challenging discipline. The department is proud of our students who achieve high grades. We encourage you to get to know the faculty. Personal recommendations can be very helpful. Moreover, we welcome you to consider furthering your education with a master’s degree from our department. Of course, the faculty is also happy to talk with you about preparing for additional graduate and career opportunities that are available.

If you have declared the minor, then it will appear on your application for graduation. Apply for graduation as you normally would for your bachelor’s degree.

Explore unique opportunities, faculty, and resources available in School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies

The University of Cincinnati and all regional campuses are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Contact Information

Undergraduate Director
2800 Clifton Ave.
4234A Clifton Court Hall
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0184
(513) 556-4440

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Program Code: 15MIN-COMM-MIN