Primary Source Newsletter

Text "The Primary Source UC History" on top of background image of black and white sketch of McMicken Hall

March 2023 Primary Source Newsletter

The March Madness 2023 Primary Source is here. Filled with all the need to know History news from Undergraduates, Alumni, Graduates and Faculty. 

Report your news for the next edition of the Primary Source here

The Primary Source Archive

COVID-19 Updates

As we continue to grapple with the impact COVID-19 has on our teaching and ability to learn the way we want to, we recognize that economic and social hardships for our students continue. If you are a student experiencing food or housing insecurity or other difficulties keeping up with the technological demands of online learning, please reach out to Susan Longfield Karr (undergraduate), Willard Sunderland (graduate), or your favorite history prof. We’re here to help!

Keep up on UC’s latest public health updates at UC Public Health

Congrats on a successful Werner E. Von Rosenstiel Lecture!

UC students and faculty attending Helmut Smith's seminar

Helmut Smith presents at the annual Von Rosenstiel Lecture, March 31, 2022.


UC student and Mayor Pureval

Henry Kim (left) and Mayor Pureval (right)

On Monday, February 21st. Mayor Purveal received a warm welcome when he visited campus and spoke to the U.S. history survey on “The Challenges Facing Today's AAPI Communities: A Personal Perspective.” Invited to campus by Prof. Mark Raider, the talk helped to enrich the course's exploration of ethnicity, race, and identity in American culture and history. Prof. Raider introduced Mayor Pureval as “a rising political star in Ohio and the national Democratic Party.” A son of immigrants, the half-Indian, half-Tibetan Pureval is the first Asian American mayor of a major city in the Midwest. He spoke about growing up in Beavercreek, Ohio, attending Ohio State University and the UC College of Law, and later working as a lawyer before running for public office.

“My experience,” he told the students, “is an American story. That the son of immigrants could become the Mayor of Cincinnati, and that this would happen in one generation, is truly an American dream come true… but my mother still secretly hopes I’ll become a doctor!” Students and faculty asked Mayor Pureval about his vision and plans for the City of Cincinnati. In response, he spoke about “keeping talent in the city, including UC alumni,” helping to make housing more affordable across the metropolitan area, tackling gun violence, and facing the challenge of climate change.

Nik Ball (left) and Mayor Pureval (right)

Nik Ball (left) and Mayor Pureval (right)

UC graduate students and Mayor Pureval

Left to right: The TAs for the U.S. history survey with Mayor Pureval -- Wil Morriss, Trevor Johnson, Mayor Pureval, and Kyle McDaniel, all of whom are Master's students in the History Department


Evan Johnson, fresh off defending his dissertation, accepted an extension on his contract with the University of Dayton and will be staying on as a lecturer for the coming year. Congrats!

On March 24, 2022, graduate students presented their work at the 18th Annual Queen City Colloquium Graduate Student Conference held at the Faculty Enrichment Center. In the morning, five panelists (Chris Ellingwood, Trevor Johnson, Theresa Whitely, Felicity Moran, and Shepherd Aaron Ellis) shared their research-based work and received fruitful feedback from graduate students and faculty members. In the afternoon, ten first-year graduate students introduced their growing research ideas in 3-Minutes pitches. Presenters included: Nicholas Short, Delaney White, Harper Lee, Christian O’Cull, Anna Sensel, Sage Turner, Brittney Smith, Kyle McDaniel, Wil Morriss, and Sophie Ospital.
At the end of the QCC program, Dr. Jamie Goodall, a staff historian at the U.S. Army Center of Military History in Washington, D.C., gave a keynote lecture titled “The Golden Age of Piracy: From the Caribbean to the Chesapeake.” Dr. Goodall delivered the presentation with charisma, emphasizing that piracy was active in the Chesapeake Bay during the imperial maritime conflict, indicating that piracy was far more widespread than the general public commonly imagines.

History Graduate Students with QCC keynote speaker, Dr. Jamie Goodall

History Graduate Students with QCC keynote speaker, Dr. Jamie Goodall (photo credit: Kevin McPartland)


Isaac Campos will be presenting papers at the Latin American Studies Associate conference (online) in May, as well as the Alcohol and Drugs History Society conference (Mexico City) in June. He has also recently published three new articles:

In March, Prof. Mark Raider participated in a symposium held in Tel Aviv, Israel honoring the publication of Masa soer; hakibbutz, 1932-1954 (A Stormy Journey: The Kibbutz Movement, 1932-1954), edited by the celebrated Israeli historian Muki Tsur. Raider, who lived in Israel during graduate school and studied with Tsur, gave a paper titled “Telling the Story of the Kibbutz Overseas: The Dynamic American Context.” He is preparing the paper for publication by the Yad Tabenkin-Kibbutz Movement Archives. 

Visiting Assistant Professor Anne Delano Steinert has been acknowledged with two UC recent awards. First with a nomination for the Turner Scholars Breakfast of Champions on March 9. The Breakfast of Champions is an annual event hosted by the Office of Ethnic Programs and Services honoring the contributions of staff and faculty in promoting student success. Second, Steinert is the recipient one of nine new UC Forward Faculty Awards for Collaborative Experiential Learning for her student's public history coursework in the fall of 2021.

Four years ago, Rebecca Wingo co-authored a chapter with William G. Thomas III (Dean of Graduate Studies, University of Nebraska). It just came out: “Building Communities, Reconciling Histories: Can We Make a More Honest History?” in the Handbook of Digital Public History, eds. Serge Noiret, Mark Tebeau, and Gerben Zaagsma (De Gruyter Press, 2022). In a much more compressed timeline, Wingo received a grant from Ohio Humanities to continue work on a project she and her students started this semester. The grant will fund the expansion of a prototype for a Virtual Wyandot Removal Trail, developed in conjunction with the Wyandotte Nation (Oklahoma). She also delivered a talk about the History Harvest and community engagement for SourceLab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. On April 2nd, Wingo ran her first half marathon of the year in Springfield, Illinois, and broke her personal record with a sub-10:00 average pace. She does not anticipate breaking this record for quite some time.

Gradaute Student News

History Graduate student Diamond Crowswer's workshop poster on February 14th, 2022

Diamond Crowder represented the Humanities in a graduate workshop with two other PhD candidates from STEMM and the Social Sciences on February 14th. She shared invaluable information to potential and new graduate students on how to organize and manage their research. This workshop was part of the UC Libraries Workshop Series for “Love Data Week.” Crowder received a small honorarium for her participation. The workshop was recorded and will be available soon!
Daniel Farrell will present at this year’s annual meeting hosted by the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic (SHEAR). The paper is entitled, “The Moderns Assume it is Wrong,” Using the Past to Reform the Present: Modernity and the Political Economy of Slavery in a Transnational Perspective, 1820-1861. The conference will take place this July in New Orleans.
Casey Huegel will defend his dissertation, “Fernald and the Transformation of Environmental Activism: The Grassroots Movement to Make America Safe from Nuclear Weapons Production” on Tuesday, March 8th at 10:00am. His defense is on Zoom and is open to the public.
Evan Johnson successfully defended his dissertation, entitled "Cities in Crisis: Altstadt and Neustadt Brandenburg During the Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648," on March 3rd. Congrats! 

Faculty News

On March 15, 2022, Christopher Phillips will present the inaugural Ronald L. Heinemann Lecture in the History of the American South at Hampden-Sydney College in Hampden-Sydney, Virginia. His talk, “The Other Confederacy: Divergence, Dissent, and Disorder in the Western Confederacy,” is derived from his current book project. Founded in 1775, Hampden-Sydney is the oldest privately chartered college in the South. The lecture series is sponsored by the History Department and the Wilson Center for Leadership, and is named for a longtime history faculty member.
Steve Porter and Willard Sunderland, along with Rebecca Sanders and Ivan Ivanov (both from the School and Public and International Affairs), led a teach-in about the Ukraine Crisis. The event was timely and well-attended, garnering an audience of over 250 people.
Anne Delano Steinert’s 2022 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship from the Society of Architectural Historians received a lovely write-up in UC News by Anne Bowling. 
Peter van Minnen (affiliate faculty in Classics) brought out another issue of the Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, which he has edited since 2006. It is filled with editions of “primary sources” (ancient documents preserved on papyrus from Egypt mostly) and studies based on them. We single out a study of a Greek text from the seventh century with a series of powers of 2, up to the 24th power: the results are accompanied by numerical exponents, which anticipate the modern notation system adopted by Descartes in 1637; two “archives" of over 50 ostraca (potsherds used for writing) with Greek receipts for deliveries of chickens mostly: they can be  dated to the 360s and derive from an archaeological context; two Greek contracts from Oxyrhynchus at Washington University in St. Louis, the products of a summer institute in papyrology held there in 2018: there will be such an institute at Cincinnati this coming summer; a Greek list of Samaritans from the sixth century: such lists show that Samaritans lived almost everywhere in Egypt, even in villages; a bilingual Arabic-Greek text issued by a companion of Muḥammad, Maslama b. Mukhallad, governor of Egypt from 47/667 to 62/682; a re-dating of the Codex Tchacos, which contains the apocryphal Gospel of Judas: the radiocarbon evidence puts the codex in the fourth century, not the third; a study of the black market in vegetable oils in Hellenistic Egypt: the state tried to control the supply chain, and in theory vegetable oils reached consumers only through licensed traders; the annual survey of Christian inscriptions in Greek and Coptic from Egypt and Nubia: this installment covers the publications of a particularly difficult year (2020).

Upcoming Events 

Inaugural Caste & Race Lecture

March 8, 2022, 3:30PM – 5:00PM
Taft Research Center
Join Demetrius Eudell (Wesleyan University) for the inaugural lecture on caste and race called, “Every Negro in the United States of America is an Untouchable: Ambedkar, MLK and the Dialectic of the Caste/Race Analogy.”

Radical Change in Avondale
March 12, 2022, 12:00PM – 1:00PM
Avondale Branch, Cincinnati Public Library
Emeritus faculty Fritz Casey-Leininger will give a talk exploring many reasons that Avondale changed from a majority White neighborhood to a majority Black one between 1940 and 1970. More info from the Center for the City.

Queen City Colloquium
March 24, 2022, 9:15 AM - 6:00 PM
Faculty Enrichment Center, Langsam Library
The History Graduate Student Association at the University of Cincinnati is proud to announce its eighteenth annual Queen City Colloquium. This year’s keynote speaker will be Dr. Jamie Goodall of the U.S. Army Center of Military History in Washington D.C. To RSVP, please fill out the following form by 03/21.

COVID-19 Updates

As we continue to grapple with the impact COVID-19 has on our teaching and ability to learn the way we want to, we recognize that economic and social hardships for our students continue. If you are a student experiencing food or housing insecurity or other difficulties keeping up with the technological demands of online learning, please reach out to Susan Longfield Karr (undergraduate), Willard Sunderland (graduate), or your favorite history prof. We’re here to help!

Keep up on UC’s latest public health updates at UC Public Health

Special Announcements

A special congratulations to Dr. Anne Delano Steinert for winning the 2022 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship from the Society of Architectural Historians. Over the course of three months, Steinert will travel to key sites that she teaches about, with visits to Paris, Barcelona, Venice, Rome, Athens, Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Hamburg, and Bremen. Read an article of Society of Architecture Historian news about her fellowship and work.

Congrats also to PhD Candidate Kevin McPartland for winning the 2022 Lawrence T. Jones III Research Fellowship in Texas Civil War History from the Texas State Historical Association. The funding will support research on his dissertation, “An Unconquerable Idea: Confederate Nationalism in the Southern Press.

Graduate Student News 

Shepherd Ellis is pleased to announce that his conference paper, “Transmutation and Refinement: The Metaphysics of Conversion and Alchemy in Renaissance Spain,” which he gave at the Southeastern Renaissance Conference, hosted by Duke University over Zoom in October 2021, has been accepted for publication. His article will appear the November 2022 volume of the conference's journal, Renaissance Papers.
Katie Ranum's research is going to be featured in the February' 1st issue of Grad Currents! You can also check out her book review of Bosom Friends by Thomas J. Balcerski in the current issue of Ohio Valley History.

Faculty News

Wayne Durrill recently evaluated an article manuscript for Diacritics: Review of Contemporary Criticism. The article used historical evidence (not very well) on race in late nineteenth century America to advance a modification in a theory of political realism.
Frederic Krome’s article, "Will the Germans Bombard New York: Hugo Gernsback and the Future War Tale," was published in the January 2022 issue of the Journal of Military History.
Jason Krupar co-coordinated Filson Historical Society's Biennial Conference, “1946 Reconsidered: The Ohio Valley in the Post-World War II Era,” on October 22 - 23, 2021. He also presented a paper online for the conference, “Heart of the Atomic Bomb: Building the Atomic River Valley.” The conference presentations, including his, can be viewed here. The conference presentations will be part of a special issue of the Ohio Valley History Journal in the near future. He also wrote a book review for the Journal Technology and Culture in December 2021. He earlier reviewed in May 2021 an article manuscript for Undergraduate Research. The following month, June, he reviewed an article for Technology and Culture. He and his wife also adopted a newborn in September 2021, which is the biggest and most exciting piece of news yet.
Brianna Leavitt-Alcántara will be presenting her paper “Single Women and Spiritual Capital: Sexuality and Devotion in Colonial Guatemala,” on the virtual AHA panel, “Selves, Bodies, and Kin in Colonial Histories.”
Christopher Phillips is the recipient of the 2022 Texas State Library and Archives Commission Research Fellowship in Texas History from the Texas State Historical Association to conduct research for his book project, “A Confederacy of Discord: Disunion, Dissent, and Disorder in the Southern Confederacy.”
Mark A. Raider's New Perspectives in American Jewish History: A Documentary Tribute to Jonathan D. Sarna, coedited with affiliate faculty member Dr. Gary P. Zola, was recently published by Brandeis University Press. Designed with classroom instruction in mind, the volume includes 55 hitherto unpublished or rarely seen archival documents and images that offer a fresh look at the broad sweep of American Jewish history from the colonial era to the present -- starting with the earliest known records of a Jewish divorce in North America (1774) to a Black Lives Matter Passover haggadah supplement (2019). Three dozen of Sarna's former doctoral students, including Drs. Raider and Zola, contributed one or more annotated documents to the collaborative effort. The project received support from the History Department and the Taft Research Center.
Joseph Takougang wrote an article for the Journal of African Policy Study 27, no. 1 (November 2021). For decades after independence, African migration was a phenomenon that could be attributed to a patriarchal culture that encouraged male domination. Later, that traditional mindset was reinforced by a colonial system that often marginalized the role of women in many African societies. Indeed, because young men were more likely to be educated than their female counterparts under the colonial system, they were advantaged after independence to attend institutions of higher learning abroad when it became necessary to train young Africans to occupy important government and other decision-making positions in the newly independent states. Recently, however, women have become important players, both in their statistical representation and as important players in Africa’s migration narrative. Takougang examines the contributory factors to contemporary migration of Cameroonian women to the United States, as well as the opportunities and challenges they face in America.
Jeff Zalar delivered the paper “Catholics and Wissenschaftspopularisierung” at the annual meeting of the German Studies Association in Indianapolis, IN. He published the essay “The Kulturkampf and Catholic Identity,” in Mark Edward Ruff and Thomas Großbölting, eds., Germany and the Confessional Divide: Religious Tensions and Political Culture, 1871-1989 (New York: Berghahn Books, 2021), pp. 26-50. He was appointed to the editorial board of the German Studies Review.

Alumni News

Brittany Clair (PhD, 2015) has published her second (!) book. Carry On: Another School of Thought on Pregnancy and Health has just appeared from Rutgers University Press. Rutgers also published her first book, Rest Uneasy: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Twentieth-Century America (2018). Dr. Clair is an independent scholar living in Maine.
Good news from eastern Ohio, where Brandon Downing (PhD, 2014) has just been awarded promotion and tenure at Marietta College. Soon to be Associate Professor Downing has taught U.S. and Native American history at Marietta since 2017.

Emeriti Faculty News

Emeritus Tom Sakmyster continues his vital research on local Shaker communities. He recently published “Elopement and Marriage among the Shakers” in Communal Societies.

Upcoming Events 

Drink & Think
Wednesdays in February 
Ludlow Wines, 343 Ludlow Avenue, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Join Dr. Holly McGee as she discusses African American history during Black History Month. Get ready to listen and learn with libations. There is only lecture left! 

Inaugural Caste & Race Lecture
March 8, 2022
Taft Research Center, 3:30PM – 5:00PM
Join Demetrius Eudell (Wesleyan University) for the inaugural lecture on caste and race called, “Every Negro in the United States of America is an Untouchable: Ambedkar, MLK and the Dialectic of the Caste/Race Analogy.”

Radical Change in Avondale
March 12, 2022
Avondale Branch, Cincinnati Public Library, 12:00PM – 1:00PM
Emeritus faculty Fritz Casey-Leininger will give a talk exploring many reasons that Avondale changed from a majority White neighborhood to a majority Black one between 1940 and 1970. More info from the Center for the City.

Special Announcements

Maurice Adkins and Willard Sunderland posing at UC graduation ceremony

July 8, 2021, was a big day for doctoral student Maurice Adkins. Not only did he successfully defend his dissertation, Leadership in the Shadow of Jim Crow: Race, Gender, Labor and Politics of African American Higher Education in North Carolina, 1860-1931, but later that day Maurice learned he’d won an ACLS Emerging Scholars Fellowship for the 2021-2022 academic year at the University of Virginia. Maurice was originally nominated by UC for this nationally competitive fellowship competition in April, and took up his new fellowship at UVA in August. This follows two years as the Perry Williams Predoctoral Fellow in History at the College of Wooster in Ohio.

cover of Dr. Sigrun Haude's latest monograph

Sigrun Haude published her monograph, Coping with Life during the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), with Brill. What an accomplishment! Check out a copy in the History Department office if you get a change. 

This summer Ohio Valley History, co-edited by David Stradling, published a special issue on “Universities, Slavery, and History’s Role in Institutional Reform.” The issue features an article by Anne Delano Steinert entitled “Forgetting Charles McMicken,” which summarizes her research on UC’s founding benefactor and makes a plea for more institutional support for research into UC’s connections to slavery. The issue also includes “The Academy’s Original Sin,” an article co-authored by Holly McGee and Xavier University’s Kyra Shahid, that describes the Universities Studying Slavery conference they organized in the fall of 2019. Those with access to Project Muse can read a digital version of the issue.

Undergraduate Student News 

Students in Prof. Mark Raider's class, “Why the World Needs Superman: Heroes, Comics, and Modern American Society,” participated in field trips to the Cincinnati Art Museum. The guided tour focused on the depiction of heroism in American art with an eye to a variety of 19th and 20th century artists' explorations of questions of identity, gender, minorities, and race in painting and sculpture.

Last spring students in Anne Steinert's "African American History in Public" course created a UC Black History Walking Trail you can now access on your phone. Simply download the PocketSights App and the trail will automatically pop up once you're on campus. Students researched and wrote text for twenty-two stops around campus highlighting some of UC's most celebrated Black students and faculty while also shining a light on racism in UC's past. Click for access the tour stops online without downloading the app.

Graduate Student News 

During the summer 2021, Erena Nakashima worked with Anne Delano Steinert to launch the Avondale Neighborhood Archive as the part of the Avondale Neighborhood History Initiative. This crowd-sourced archive functions as a repository of private collections as well as a window to present stories and experiences of people in Cincinnati's Avondale neighborhood.
On Friday, March 26, Shepherd Aaron Ellis presented their original research paper, “Dynasty, Interrupted: The Stuart Monarchy, the Protestant Reformation, and Early Nationalism” at the South Central Renaissance Conference, hosted via Zoom. The paper was well received, and Ellis enjoyed representing the university.

Evan Johnson has taken a one year lecturer post just up the road at the University of Dayton. He’s currently teaching a 4-4 of World History survey. Though the commute is long, he's enjoying what his wife fondly calls having a “real job.”

Anna Sensel received an internship with the National Park Service at the William Howard Taft National Historic Site this summer. Upon doing original research at the site, Sensel found African American newspapers ranging from 1907-1913 that discussed the issues that they had with President Taft regarding his Southern Policy and racial discrimination in the army. Sensel designed a museum panel that will be put on display at the site this upcoming winter.

Faculty News 

Isaac Campos taught an experimental course last spring in which students helped him create a series of documentary videos on “Drugs and Other Addictions Since 1980.” It proved to be absurd amounts of work for the instructor, but he's very pleased with the final product and hopes that they might even be useful for others teaching related courses. The videos are available online.
Prof. Wayne Durrill evaluated an article manuscript for the Journal of Southern History over the summer. In November, Durrill evaluated proposals in history from applicants seeking a Spencer Foundation Post-doctoral Fellowship administered through the National Academy of Education. Durrill recently evaluated an article manuscript for Diacritics: Review of Contemporary Criticism. The article used historical evidence (not very well) on race in late nineteenth century America to advance a modification in a theory of political realism.
Dr. Elizabeth Frierson presented her research on pharmacists to the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Seminar in History on 19 October 2021, and cited Dr. Isaac Campos's work in the submitted paper as well as the seminar's discussion.
On Aug. 31st, Rob Haug and Steve Porter joined colleagues from Asian Studies, Middle East Studies, and Political Science for a teach-in entitled “Afghanistan: The Situation Now, How We Got There, and Where We Are Going.” Prof. Haug moderated the discussion among six faculty members and an audience of students, faculty, and community members. Prof. Porter discussed Afghan refugees in the broader context of America's refugee policies over the past forty years. Other presenters spoke on topics including the Taliban, the War on Terror, and women's rights.
Rob Haug was recently appointed to a three year term as Secretary of the Middle East Medievalists, the largest international professional society dedicated to the study of the medieval Islamic world. Prof. Haug was also elected to a three year term as Secretary of the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies, an international professional society for the study of the culture and civilization of Persian speaking societies and related regions influenced by Iranian civilization. Finally, Prof. Haug has also joined the Editorial Board of the new book series Late Antique & Early Islamic Central and West Asia, published by Brepols (Belgium).
Kate Sorrels gave a lecture titled “Nazi Persecution of People with Disabilities” for the Holocaust and Humanity Center's Roma and Sam Kaltman Holocaust Studies for Educators Summer Institute in June 2021. She currently at work on two co-edited volumes. Disability in Germany: History, Memory, and Culture is under contract with Camden House. She and her co-editors recently won a TOME (Toward and Open Access Monograph Ecosystem) Award to make their forthcoming volume, Ohio under COVID: Lessons from America's Heartland in Crisis, an open access publication.

ten Avondale Youth History Corps members posing in the Avondale Library

Avondale Youth History Corps members with Nakashima, Kumar, and Steinert at the Avondale Branch Library.

Anne Delano Steinert was awarded a Community Change Collaborative (CCC) grant from the Office of Research for her summer work on the Avondale Neighborhood History Initiative. The project included a summer Avondale Youth History Corp led by undergraduate history major Divya Kumar, and convening a summer planning team with help from PhD student Erena Nakashima. For more information about the project and the CCC, see the story in Findings.

COVID-19 Updates

Toilet paper with a computer on top of it.

Home workstations are what you make of them.

We are on our third semester of teaching online, and it’s becoming a little easier. However, we recognize that the economic hardships for our students have not yet abated. If you are a student experiencing food or housing insecurity or other difficulties keeping up with the technological demands of online learning, please reach out to Erika Gasser (undergraduate), Willard Sunderland (graduate), or your favorite history prof. We’re here to help!

Keep up on UC’s latest public health updates at UC Public Health

Graduate Studies Workshop in American Jewish History

The Graduate Studies Workshop in American Jewish History in June, 2021

Tuesday, May 11 and Tuesday, June 8, 12:00pm

This Graduate Studies Workshop in American Jewish History brings together young scholars at Hebrew Union CollegeJewish Institute of Religion, the University of Cincinnati, and the University of Haifa working in diverse fields related to the study of the American Jewish history.
Designed to be informal and interactive, the workshop is a place to learn about new directions in the field and to meet graduate students in the United States and Israel with shared interests. Pre-circulated materials will help to create a common platform for the broadly construed sessions.
The sessions (conducted in English) will be divided into two 45-minute parts. In each part, a senior scholar will give a brief presentation (15 minutes) focused on a hitherto unpublished or rarely seen archival document or primary text, to be followed by a study session (30 minutes) involving all participants.
The workshop sessions are free and open to all interested graduate students. For information and/or registration contact Dr. Mark Raider.
Cosponsored by the Center for Studies in Jewish Education and Culture and the Department of History (University of Cincinnati), the Department of Jewish History and the Ruderman Program for American Jewish Studies (University of Haifa), and the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives and the Pines School of Graduate Studies (Hebrew Union CollegeJewish Institute of Religion).
Participants include:
• Prof. Gur Alroey (University of Haifa)
• Prof. Gary P. Zola (Hebrew Union College)
• Prof. Zohar Segev (University of Haifa)
• Prof. Mark A. Raider (University of Cincinnati)

History Department Awards

Freshman Seminar Prize
Lauren Leong, “Dorothy Height: The Backbone of the Intersectionality of the Civil Rights Movement”
History Club Service and Leadership Award
Greta Davis
Hilda L. Smith Prize for Best Undergraduate Essay in Women’s History
Oliver Voyten, “‘With Sorrow Shalt Thou Bear Children’” Manipulating Feminine Sexuality in Early modern England
Nominees: Camden Bailey, Kierra Davis, Elinor Kibbey, and Julia Rogala
George Newburger Prize for Best Capstone in U.S. History
Patrick Bois, “‘Will He Make It?’: The Wayward Historical Memory of U.S. Grant”
Nominees: David Fiora, Elinor Kibbey, Sayre Christian O’Cull, Easton Phillips, Anna Sensel, and Delaney White
George B. Engberg Prize for Best Capstone in Non-U.S. History
Logan Miller, “Class Consciousness and Socialism in Nineteenth-Century Britain”
Nominees: Lucas Comstock, Isabel Gheytanchi, Gordon Goodwin, and Oliver Voyten
Lenore F. McGrane Prize for Most Promising Student in U.S. History
Easton Phillips, “The Troubled Memory of the Underground Railroad: Mythmaking and Propaganda Within the History We Teach”
Emma Louis Parry Prize for a Top History Student in Any Area
Madelyn Bruening, “The Profitable Practice of Gifting: Collaborative Philanthropy in Colonial Bombay and the Benevolent Parsees”
College of Arts & Sciences “Spirit of Community Award”
Isabel Gheytanchi

At UC’s 2021 Undergraduate Scholarly Showcase, 3 students from the History Department competed in the "Capstone Competition," a live, on-line event modelled after the ThreeMinute Thesis Competition popular at the graduate level. You can learn more about it and watch presentations on the Capstone Competition web page. The two prize winners include:
Easton Phillips (1st place, PM session): “The Troubled Memory of the Underground Railroad: Mythmaking and Propaganda within the History We Teach.”
Anna Sensel (2nd place, AM session) (right): “The Antislavery Crusade: The Question of Slavery within a Presbyterian Church in the 1830s-1840s.
A third representative of the History department at the competition was Christine Powell, who presented “The Great Migration's Effect in Los Angeles and Chicago.”

Zane Miller Prize for Best Graduate Student Paper
1st Place: Michael Burchett and Erena Nakashima
2nd Place: Lucius Seger
3rd Place: Grant Gilmore
John K. Alexander Award for Excellence as a Teaching Assistant or Grad Student Instructor
Nicholas Brown, Shepherd Ellis, Felicity Moran, Trevor Johnson
Roger Daniels Graduate Summer Research Fellowship
Erena Nakashima, Daniel Farrell
Herbert Shapiro Scholarship in African American History
Nicholas Brown, Erena Nakashima
Niehoff Research Fellowship
Shepherd Ellis
Department Research Award
Daniel Farrell

We offer a special congratulations to Diamond Crowder, Kevin McPartland, and Casey Huegel for successfully passing their exams and advancing to PhD candidacy.
Congratulations to next year's Taft Dissertation Fellows: Kevin McPartland, Nicholas Brown, and Anthony Russomano.
Our very own Katie Ranum also received the Dean of the Graduate School's Dissertation Completion Fellowship for next year.

Graduate Student News 

At the end of the Spring semester, Maurice Adkins will have completed the Perry-Williams Predoctoral Fellowship at the College of Wooster. The fellowship was a part of the Consortium for Faculty Diversity (CFD) to strengthen the ethnic diversity of faculty members at liberal arts colleges. The appointment included a two-year visiting professorship with a $5,000 research start-up fund. Maurice was also nominated for the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Emerging Voices Fellowship by the University of Cincinnati for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Daniel Farrell is a recipient of one of this year's Filson Fellowships, awarded twice a year by the Filson Historical Society to fund projects working closely with Kentucky history.
Katie Ranum has accepted the Dean's Dissertation Completion Fellowship for the 2021-2022 school year. She plans to defend her dissertation in August of 2022.

Faculty News

Wayne Durrill has been awarded a Charles Phelps Taft Summer Research Fellowship for 2021 by the Taft Research Center here on campus. It will help him begin writing a new book manuscript tentatively titled "Cake Walk: An Episode in Cultural Appropriation and Racial Conflict during the Gilded Age."
On 13 April 2021, Sigrun Haude presented on "Handling Pestilence during the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648)" at the virtual conference "Renaissance Society of America."
The Routledge Companion to Sexuality and Colonialism, to which Brianna Leavitt-Alcántara contributed a chapter, will be published in May. Brianna's chapter is titled "Single Women and Spiritual Capital: Sexuality and Devotion in Colonial Guatemala." Receive a 20% discount on with volume with the code FLR40.
Willard Sunderland presented “Bichurin, China, and the Regions: The History of a Relationship” as a Zoom talk hosted by the International Research Laboratory on the History of Russian Regions at the School of Higher Economics in Moscow in April. A collection of essays that he co-edited with Ekaterina Boltunova of the School of Higher Economics has also just been accepted for publication by Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, the leading academic press in Russia today. The collection, which focuses on the history of Russian regions prior to the revolution of 1917, will appear in print this coming fall. In March he was interviewed for a series focused on new research in Russian history conducted by the Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies of Miami University. Listen to the interview here
Rebecca Wingo was awarded an NEH Summer Stipends to support the completion of her book manuscript, Reframing the Crows: Housing, Photography, and Adult Education. In addition to generous funding and support from the Taft Research Center and Department of History, she will be on fellowship / leave until January 2022. In April, she presented twice at the OAH about “unessay” assignments as well as lessons in failure with community partnerships. If you missed Wingo’s book talk with her co-editors and Rondo community partner at the Mercantile Library, the video is available on Kaltura.

Emeritus Faculty News

Tom Sakmyster has published "Mothers and Daughters at White Water Shaker Village," in American Communal Societies Quarterly, 15, no. 1 (Jan. 2021), 19-32.

Alumni News

Headshot of Connie Sexauer

Isabella Cantoni Branco (BA, 2019) completed her MPhil in Latin American Studies this year at the University of Oxford in Oxford, England, and will be starting a DPhil program in Sociology at Oxford this coming fall.  Congratulations, Isabella!
Connie Sexauer was recently interviewed on the “Heidi Glaus Show with Josh Gilbert” on KTRS radio in St. Louis, Missouri, about her book on the successive baseball stadiums and their cultural significance in that city. You can listen to the interview through SoundCloud. Dr. Sexauer has taught U.S. History and Gender Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Marathon County for the past 16 years, and she received her Ph.D. in American urban history from the University of Cincinnati in 2003. Connie was born and raised in St. Louis, and the St. Louis Cardinals has been a passion of hers for over fifty years. Check out her book: From a Park to a Stadium to a Little Piece of Heaven: Cultural Changes As Seen Through the St. Louis Cardinals Baseball Diamonds.

COVID-19 Updates

Toilet paper with a computer on top of it.

Home workstations are what you make of them.

We are on our third semester of teaching online, and it’s becoming a little easier. However, we recognize that the economic hardships for our students have not yet abated. If you are a student experiencing food or housing insecurity or other difficulties keeping up with the technological demands of online learning, please reach out to Erika Gasser (undergraduate), Willard Sunderland (graduate), or your favorite history prof. We’re here to help!

Keep up on UC’s latest public health updates at UC Public Health

Graduate Student News 

Austin Hall, a second-year Ph.D. student, recently received a $10,000 summer fellowship to work with the Filson Historical Society in Louisville, Kentucky. The fellowship will last throughout much of the summer with numerous deliverables including a history of Rubbertown (the industrial sector of Louisville), a presentation at the October conference held by the Filson, and digital humanities exhibitions showcasing the research. Austin will work with industrial and manufacturing companies throughout Rubbertown in order to map the evolution of industry from the late Gilded Age through the beginnings of environmentalism to the present-day companies' contributions to the greater Louisville area.

Current Ph.D. candidate Katie Ranum will join Department of History alum Tanner Moore in April for a roundtable discussion on the question “How Do Scholars Change Institutions That Normalize Inequality?” for the Midwest Region American Academy of Religion's annual conference.

Faculty News

Isaac Campos participated as one of several dozen co-authors of a piece in the American Journal of Bioethics calling for significant drug policy reforms. Read more about it in this press release.

Prof. Wayne Durrill evaluated an article manuscript for Ohio Valley History, and spoke to the Undergraduate Economics Club in the College of Business on the economics of slavery.

On 18 November 2020, Dr. Lily Frierson was the discussant in the first seminar of a new series run by the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association out of UC/Davis, on a paper entitled “Journals of the Plague Year: The Ottoman Press and the Istanbul Cholera Outbreak of 1871.” On 9 December 2020, she presented in an international panel on “Mapping the Field: Historicizing Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies in Turkey and the Near East” in a workshop hosted by Sabancı University in Istanbul on Mapping Gender in the Near East: What’s New and What’s Ahead in Ottoman and Turkish Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. On 4 June, she will be the closing speaker at the Mid-Atlantic Ottoman Studies Workshop (an outgrowth of the Great Lakes Ottoman Workshop that UC hosted thanks to Taft generosity 10 years ago). Her talk is titled, “Mid-Atlantic Ottoman Studies Workshop in June: Great Lakes, Mighty Seas, and Uncharted Waters.” In February, she reviewed a really fascinating research proposal for the Israel Science Foundation, and has been busy throughout the year evaluating articles for the Journal of Modern History, British Journal of Middle East Studies, and a few others, as well as another book proposal for Bloomsbury Press. Her New Year's resolution for 2021 was not to be late with news for the Primary Source, so maybe that will have to start at Nowroz, the Persian New Year, which is on 21 March this year.

The Taft Research Center awarded David Stradling a Faculty Release Fellowship in support of “The Hidden History of Dredging,” a book project analyzing the centuries-old practice of combating dynamic natural forces through the movement of silt and sand. Stradling also secured an Editorial Assistant Award from the Graduate School to hire Casey Huegel as the book review editor of Ohio Valley History, which Stradling co-edits with Patrick Lewis of the Filson Historical Society. Visit our site for more information about Ohio Valley History.

Rebecca Wingo’s co-edited volume Digital Community Engagement: Partnering Communities with the Academy (UC Press, 2020) won the 2021 National Council on Public History Book Award. She and her co-editors will give a virtual talk at the Mercantile Library on March 30th as part of UC’s Research & Innovation Week. Wingo also received a $25,000 internal award from the University Research Council for her digital project “Digital Repatriation: Building a Crow Archive.”

Emeriti News

Picture of an older women and man holding hands

Roger and Judith on their 60th wedding anniversary in October 2020.

Professor Emeritus Roger Daniels sent along the following letter:

Dear friends,
Judith and I are both healthy, safe, and bored. The Sunday before last we got our vaccines – Pfizer – and it didn’t hurt a bit. We will get the second shot on Valentine’s Day. We are still in quarantine of a very strict nature – for the past few weeks we have had to have meals in our room, with trays on our laps and a lot of mess. Returning to being able to go downstairs to have our meals, which should be next week, will make things better.
We, like all of you, are relieved that we no longer have a vicious fool for a President, and have some hope that Biden will bring effective and lasting improvements. I fear that Biden’s approach to immigration will not be effective but at least it won’t get worse, as some of the outrageous Trumpian effects will be removed.
We would very much like to hear how you are doing.
With love,

Save The Date

picture of a women with glasses and black hair smiling

History Taft Lecture Series 
Tuesday, March 16, 3:30-5 - 
Book Talk: A Different Shade of Colonialism
Thursday, 18 March, 12:00-1:30- “The Visual Culture of Slavery in the Middle East”

We are joined by Dr. Eve Troutt Powell, MacArthur Fellow and paradigm shifter extraordinaire, (University of Pennsylvania) for two exciting talks: On Tuesday, March 16, Dr. Troutt Powell will give a talk about her book, A Different Shade of Colonialism. On Thursday, March 18, Dr. Troutt Powell will give another talk on “The Visual Culture of Slavery in the Middle East.” Zoom links will be shared on Monday March 15! 

Cincinnati Upstander Project 

Thursday Match 18, 7 pm
Join the Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center for a virtual conversation with Samantha Power, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and former United States Ambassador to the United Nations. In this intimate and thought-provoking dialogue, Samantha Power will discuss her New York Times-bestselling memoir, The Education of an Idealist, and offer insight on a range of pressing global issues. The History Dept is a proud co-sponsor. Click here for more information. We can offer tickets to students and faculty. Please contact Joe Waddle by March 15th to reserve your tickets.

UC Research and Innovation Week 
Thursday, March 30, 7 pm
In partnership with the Mercantile Library, the University of Cincinnati Press will feature Dr. Rebecca Wingo’s co-edited volume during UC’s Research & Innovation Week. Her co-editors Jason Heppler (University of Nebraska-Omaha) and Paul Schadewald (Macalester College) will join the free virtual event. Digital Community Engagement: Partnering Communities with the Academy is an open-access volume published with UC Press in 2020. The volume won the 2021 Book Award from the National Council on Public History. Visit the R&I site for more information about the week’s events.

The Virtual Queen City Colloquium
April 8th – 10th
More details to follow.

COVID-19 Updates

Toilet paper with a computer on top of it.

Home workstations are what you make of them.

We are on our third semester of teaching online, and it’s becoming a little easier. However, we recognize that the economic hardships for our students have not yet abated. If you are a student experiencing food or housing insecurity or other difficulties keeping up with the technological demands of online learning, please reach out to Erika Gasser (undergraduate), Willard Sunderland (graduate), or your favorite history prof. We’re here to help!

Keep up on UC’s latest public health updates at UC Public Health

Graduate Student News 

Book cover that says "Useful Captives"

Daniel Farrell’s most recent article will be published this February in Useful Captives: The Role of POWs in American Military Conflicts, edited by Daniel Krebs and Lorien Foote (University Press of Kansas).

Katie Ranum is excited to announce that her paper "Faces Turned Away from Heaven: Deviant Burial in Nineteenth-Century Cincinnati" has been accepted to the Remains of the Body conference at the University of Warwick, UK.

Faculty News

Book cover that says " Historias e historiografías del siglo XIX en Chiapas y Guatemala."

Prof. Rob Haug has been invited to participate in an ongoing roundtable as part of the six year-long European Research Council funded project "Social Contexts of Rebellion in the Early Islamic Period" at the University of Hamburg. He will be joining historians from Hamburg, Cambridge, Florida State University, Oxford, the School of Oriental and African Studies, and the University of Tennessee for a series of conversations on rebellion in the early Islamic world. Participants will be sharing their own research at regular meetings as well as exploring comparative case studies and theoretical approaches to pre-modern rebellion. Prof. Haug's current research focuses on a series of rebellions in eastern Iran and Central Asia led by the troublesome governor and army commander Abdallah ibn Khazim (d. 691-2) and his son Musa (d. 704-5) that challenged the reach of the Umayyad Caliphate into its distant provinces while also expanding the reach of Islamic authority across the Oxus River.

Brianna Leavitt-Alcántara's chapter on gender, religion, and politics in nineteenth-century Guatemala was published and recently released in Mexico as part of the edited volume Historias e historiografías del siglo XIX en Chiapas y Guatemala (Histories and Historiographies of the Nineteenth Century in Chiapas and Guatemala). On February 11, she will present virtually on Women in Guatemalan Independence as part of a conference hosted by Guatemala's Universidad de San Carlos for the Bicentenary of Independence.

With a research trip to the Hoover Institution Archives thwarted by the pandemic last summer, Professor Steve Porter has bent his current research endeavors toward some of UC's impressive digital repositories. With the paid assistance (thanks, Von Rosenstiel Fund!) of a soon-to-be-graduating UC History major, Elinor Kibbey, he has been diving especially into the Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement database, fortuitously acquired last spring through the financial support of Taft, UC Libraries, and the History Department. The thoughtfully designed repository boasts many scores of thousands of digitally searchable and readable documents from multiple archives on two continents concerning refugee affairs and related humanitarian endeavors during the 'long' era of World War II. As he has with previous projects, Porter plans to share findings from the project with refugee assistance and human rights groups, policy networks, and of course relevant History communities.

Group of four people taking a selfie with a large church behind them

Rebecca Wingo is the delighted recipient of a Taft Summer Research Fellowship to support the writing of her manuscript, Reframing the Crows: Housing and Adult Education on the Crow Reservation (tentative title). She also received an advanced contract for the book in the UNC Press Critical Indigeneities series edited by J. Kēhaulani Kauanui (Kanaka Maoli) and Jean M. O’Brien (White Earth Ojibwe). As part of this process, she also received a Catalyst Award from the Digital Scholarship Center to build a digital map of the Crow Reservation.
Erena Nakashima, Kathleen Bailey, and Sean Joseph also joined Dr. Wingo for a socially-distanced tour of Spring Grove Cemetery. They deserve the highest praise for braving the elements.

Group of men, women and children that is titled "The Pioneer Group"

Kate Sorrels was recently interviewed by the Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies on the Camphill Movement, a global network of intentional communities for abled and intellectually disabled people founded by Dr. Karl Köenig, his wife Tilla, and a group of volunteers who fled Nazi-occupied Vienna in 1938. This two-part podcast discusses the Camphill Movement both at its founding and as it exists today. You can listen to both parts at the Botstiber Institute's website or wherever you download podcasts.

Save The Date

The Virtual Queen City Colloquium will be held April 8th – 10th. More details to follow.

COVID-19 Updates

Toilet paper with a computer on top of it.

Home workstations are what you make of them.

We want to give a gigantic thank you to our faculty, TAs, and students who are all demonstrating the finest pedagogical creativity, innovation, and flexibility. The Department of History appreciates all your efforts to make the transition online easier. If you are a student experiencing food or housing insecurity or other difficulties keeping up with the technological demands of online learning, please reach out to Erika Gasser or Tracy Teslow (undergraduate), Willard Sunderland (graduate), or your favorite history prof. We’re here to help. 

Keep up on UC’s latest public health updates at UC Public Health

Graduate Student News 

Book cover of a women holding a sword and the title saying " Of Slaves and Exciles Book 1"

Graduate Student Felicity Moran (pen name Margaret Gaffney) just published Of Slaves and Exiles All Things That Matter Press. The work of six years, the novel follows the exploits of two young heirs as they seek to reclaim their birthrights in a world that has been overtaken by a dark power. The goals are complicated by the fact that the young woman, Princess Constance Neethe, suffers from a terrible addiction that she hides from everyone. Gaffney's work is interlaced with historical information about the world of Verdania, a tribute to her own historical background and aspirations. The work will be followed by two more books, titles yet to be announced.

Faculty News

In early October Willard Sunderland participated in an online discussion on the topic of empire in Russian and US history for the series “Distant Friends and Intimate Enemies,” which features exchanges with US and Russian specialists on comparisons between the United States and Russia. The series is sponsored by the Center for Russia, East European, and Eurasian Studies of the University of Pittsburgh. Click here for the podcast of the discussion.

Later in the month, Sunderland also presented on issues related to transnational and comparative history at a Graduate Methods Training Workshop hosted by Indiana University Bloomington's Russian and East European Institute. Among the participants were doctoral students in Russian Studies from around the US, including Nicholas Seay, a recent UC history graduate who went on to earn his MA in Russian Studies from the University of Wisconsin Madison and is now pursuing his doctorate on Soviet and Central Asian history at Ohio State.

Tracy Teslow's essay, “The Historiography of Race and Physical Anthropology,” recently appeared in the Handbook for the History of Biology, a new series in the historiography of science by Springer. Teslow reviewed an article manuscript on anthropology and the knowledge-making practices of indigenous peoples in the Northwest for the Journal of the History of Ideas.

In October, Rebecca Wingo spent all of her non-teaching time presenting. At the Western History Association (WHA), she hosted “What’s My Job?: A Public History Gameshow” and presented a paper on her research called, “Healthy Housing: Adult Education and Health Reform on the Crow Reservation.” She also moderated a Spark Session on “Saying No” sponsored by the Coalition of Western Women Historians (CWWH). She was elected to the Steering Committee for the CWWH and is now the chair of the WHA’s Digital Scholarship Committee. The Future Histories Lab at UC-Berkeley invited her to present “Displacement Stories: Lessons from a Community History Harvest,” and she served as one of the keynotes for the University of Cincinnati’s Sustainability Summit where she presented “Sovereignty and the History of the Present.”

Save The Date

Taft Center Fellows Annual Research Symposium Friday, November 20, 2020
3 pm: Decentering Hegemonic Stories, Theorizing Power
4 pm: Engaging Diverse Publics
Join the Taft Center Fellows Research Symposium to hear more about exciting work from Isaac Campos and Willard Sunderland! Reference the Primary Source Newsletter for the Zoom link. 

The Color of Law Conversation Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Our department’s own Fritz Casey-Leininger is joining Color of Law author Richard Rothstein for a conversation about his book, and racial segregation in cities, including Cincinnati. The event is sponsored by the Cincinnati Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. Visit their program page for more info

COVID-19 Updates

Toilet paper with a computer on top of it.

Home workstations are what you make of them.

We want to give a gigantic thank you to our faculty, TAs, and students who are all demonstrating the finest pedagogical creativity, innovation, and flexibility. The Department of History appreciates all your efforts to make the transition online easier. If you are a student experiencing food or housing insecurity or other difficulties keeping up with the technological demands of online learning, please reach out to Erika Gasser or Tracy Teslow (undergraduate), Willard Sunderland (graduate), or your favorite history prof. We’re here to help. 

Keep up on UC’s latest public health updates at UC Public Health

Faculty News

Isaac Campos should be in Madrid eating tapas and drinking Rioja, but Covid-19 ruined all that. Instead, he's here in Cincinnati teaching online for the first time and trying to make some engaging videos on why students should study history, what's wrong with the War on Drugs, and more. Those videos can be viewed on his YouTube channel. He'll be teaching a new class in the Spring where the goal will be to make a documentary film of some sort. He just got word that a couple more of his articles should finally be coming out after languishing with slow editors for the last couple of years. One of these is on the emerging illicit drug trade in the 1910s, and the other on the legendary Mexican psychiatrist Leopoldo Salazar Viniegra (a paper he presented in the Department research seminar a couple years back).

Erika Gasser was busy this year! She published an article, “Possession and the Senses in Early Modern England,” in the Journal of the Canadian Historical Association/ Revue de la Société historique du Canada, 30, No. 1 (2019), and a chapter called “‘The Refuse of the Whole Creation’: Manhood, Misogyny, and Race in an Anglo-Caribbean Travel Narrative,” in the volume Crossings and Encounters: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Atlantic World, edited by Stephen R. Berry and Laura R. Prieto (USC, 2020).

Rob Haug recently presented the paper "Bukhara as Meso-Imperial Frontier: Between Marw and Samarqand from the Sasanians to the Samanids" at the virtual workshop "Contesting Empire: Sogdiana, Bactria, and Gandhara between the Sasanian Empire, the Tang Dynasty, and Muslim Caliphate (ca. 600-1000 CE)" hosted by the University of Leiden, Netherlands Sept. 17th-18th.

Cover image for Crossings and Encounters (University of Southern California, 2020)

Jason Krupar recently published an article in the Society for the History of Technology's journal, Technology and Culture. The article, "The Disappearing Nuclear Landscape: Snapshots of Lost Atomic Technologies," (April 2020) examined three sites that served as major production centers in the nuclear weapons assembly line of the Cold War. They employed thousands of American workers during their operational life-spans, exposed even more to health risks, and harmed the environment in ways still being explored. These sites were unique in American industrial manufacturing and performed as components within the larger machinery of the nuclear weapons fabrication system. The preservation experiences at the three sites reflected on-going struggles to interpret the outcome of the Cold War. The machines and engineering achieved during the operations of these facilities no longer exists on the physical plane. Structures that housed them were obliterated and in some cases buried on site in proximity to their original locations, alongside the very waste generated by these technologies. Technologies associated with the nuclear weapons production sites are being torn down and replaced by monuments; not to weapons production but to remediation and clean-up.

In some exciting news, John McNay received a contract for a new book tentative titled Sparking the Cold War: Confrontations in Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia, 1945-1950. The book will be part of Bloomsbury’s lucrative series, New Approaches in International History.

Kate Sorrels received an NEH Summer Stipend grant for her current book project on the Camphill Special School movement and its role in the international disability rights movement, including a digital, open-access social network analysis of its founder’s body of work. She also presented on “Nazi Persecution of People with Disabilities” to the Roma and Sam Kaltman Holocaust Studies for Educators Summer Institute at the Holocaust and Humanity Center (via Zoom) on July 15, 2020.

Anne Delano Steinert has been a part of several activities online during the pandemic. She was the guest blogger for Ohio History Connection (OHC) in June with an article on poet Mary MacMillan entitled “Give Us the Ballot, Men of Ohio! Give your Women the Help They Beg into a Broader, Deeper, Richer Life” as a part of OHC's year-long series on women's activism. Steinert was a guest on the Deeply Rooted Heritage podcast entitled "Urban Renewal in Cincinnati’s Lower West End" and in September she gave a talk in Cincinnati Preservation Association's "Preservation at Home" series on the architecture of H.E. Siter, and a talk on poet Mary MacMillan for Historians of Ross Township. In her ongoing role with the Over-the-Rhine Museum, Steinert moderated two of the museum's Three Acts in Over-the-Rhine lecture series. These events, consisting of three talks each, feature a wide range of stories, from the founding of the Peaslee Neighborhood Center, to the Cincinnati Opera's long history as a neighborhood partner. You can explore the talks here. Anne has since joined the History Department as a Visiting Assistant Professor for the 2020-2021 school year due to generous funding from the Taft Research Center.
On August 14th, she also successfully defended her dissertation, “Standing Right Here: The Built Environment as a Tool for Historical Inquiry.”

Cover image for book that says " Digital Community Engagment"

Over the summer, Rebecca Wingo has been working with a consortium of 150+ archivists, curators, librarians, professors, and students on A Journal of the Plague Year, a crowdsourced archive devoted to Covid-19 out of Arizona State University. She also sits on the board for the Covid-19 Oral History Project, a project run by Jason Kelly at IUPUI. In addition to helping create a K-16 curriculum for teachers wanting to contribute, she wrote two articles on the project in Perspectives (“Archiving a Plague Year”) and the History@Work blog through the National Council for Public History (“Inside JOTPY’s Covid-19 Curatorial Collective”). She also advanced to the final round of a community engagement grant from the Whiting Foundation. Keep your fingers crossed!
She also co-edited an open-access volume that uses nine case studies to examine model practices around community-engaged projects. Digital Community Engagement: Partnering Communities with the Academy is one of the growing collection of UC Press’ open access books. Check them out!

Alumni News

Book cover that says " Technology in the Industrial Revolution"

Barbara Hahn, who received her MA in American history from the Department in 2000 and went on to earn a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina, has recently published a book with Cambridge University Press titled Technology in the Industrial Revolution. This concise history of the Industrial Revolution places the eighteenth-century British Industrial Revolution in global context, locating its causes in government protection, global competition, and colonialism. Inventions from spinning jennies to steam engines came to define an age that culminated in the acceleration of the fashion cycle, the intensification in demand and supply of raw materials and the rise of a plantation system that would reconfigure world history in favor of British (and European) global domination. In this accessible analysis of the classic case of rapid and revolutionary technological change, Hahn takes readers from the north of England to slavery, cotton plantations, the Anglo-Indian trade and beyond - placing technological change at the center of world history. Barbara also has been promoted to full professor at Texas Tech University where she teaches.

Shawn Liming (MA, 2020) helped create a documentary called Hope After Hate in conjunction with a course in CCM. The documentary is about a young Polish boy’s imprisonment at Buchenwald and his liberation. The documentary follows students to Poland and Germany to explore Mendel “Moniek” Lipszyc’s story.

Nate Schwartz (BA, 2008) was accepted to a lucrative PhD program at the University of California, San Diego.

Kelly Wright (PhD, 2014) is a specialist in American material culture, and currently Adjunct Associate Prof. at UC-Blue Ash. She was quoted this Spring in articles published in Architectural Digest, Reader’s Digest, and an online magazine called CityLab (Bloomberg News). The articles deal with the question of controlling viruses by redesigning bathroom spaces and surfaces in the early twentieth century.

James Westheider 1956-2020

Picture of older man with a cowboy hat on and glasses.

It is with heavy hearts that we mourn the loss of our former colleague, Professor James Westheider.

A native of Cincinnati’s West Side, Westheider received his PhD from our department and retired. Jim joined UC Clermont in 1998 after first teaching at UC's Evening College and received tenure in 2004 His full obituary can be found here.

Save The Date

More than a Word- Thursday, November 12, 2020
John and Kenn Little, two brothers from the Standing Rock Reservation, will offer a Q&A about their documentary More Than A Word. The documentary analyzes the Washington football team and their use of the derogatory term R*dskins, and presents a deeper analysis of the many issues surrounding the Washington team name

COVID-19 Updates

Toilet paper with a computer on top of it.

Home workstations are what you make of them.

We want to give a gigantic thank you to our faculty, TAs, and students who are all demonstrating the finest pedagogical creativity, innovation, and flexibility. The Department of History appreciates all your efforts to make the transition online easier. If you are a student experiencing food or housing insecurity or other difficulties keeping up with the technological demands of online learning, please reach out to Erika Gasser or Tracy Teslow (undergraduate), Willard Sunderland (graduate), or your favorite history prof. We’re here to help. 

Keep up on UC’s latest public health updates at UC Public Health

Graduate Student News

M.A. student, Sarah Eskandari, has been offered a very generous fellowship to complete her Ph.D. in Iranian and comparative history at the University of Pennsylvania's Department of History.  They had several hundred applicants, and Sarah's ability to conduct independent research at Harvard last summer and present at several conferences, thanks to Taft, GSA, and Von Rosenstiel funding, put her in competition with students from schools with full-blown programs in Middle Eastern studies.

On February 14th, Peter Niehoff successfully defended his PhD dissertation titled The First Day for Cinema: Cinematic Communities and the Legalization of Sunday Cinema. 

Two women smiling at camera. Women on right holds a book and burbon.

Katie Ranum (left) and Karen Abbott (right) at the Mercantile Library

On the evening of Wednesday, March 4th, popular history writer Karen Abbott spoke on her new book The Ghosts of Eden Park: The Bootleg King, the Women Who Pursued Him, and the Murder that Shocked Jazz Age America at the Mercantile Library. Ph.D. candidate Katie Ranum, one of the researchers on that project, met the author in person for the first time. The event was well attended, and preceded by a tasting of local bourbon!

Doctoral candidate Anne Delano Steinert led a workshop on reading urban landscapes and a tour of Over-the-Rhine for the Rust Belt and Ruhr Urban Layers Conference hosted by the Department of German Studies in mid-February. 

Faculty News

In February 2020, Gregory Jason Bell published a 15-page briefing paper, commissioned by the Czech parliament, entitled, “Mixed Prospects: Post-Brexit Anglo-American Economic Relations.”

Elizabeth Frierson was asked to be the concluding speaker at the Mid-Atlantic Ottoman Studies Workshop at NYU 28-29 March, summarizing and responding to work presented at this workshop. The Great Lakes Ottoman Workshop, where people in the leading growth field in Middle East studies presented their new work for critique, was hosted at UC several years ago, and led to the Mid-Atlantic and Western workshops, which continue to spread the friendly Midwestern spirit of collegial critique in an often controversial field. Unfortunately, coronavirus interrupted these plans.

Frierson also completed an evaluation of a proposal for funding from the Israel Science Foundation, and has been asked again to serve on an assessment panel for the National Endowment for the Humanities annual competition.

On Jan. 22nd, Robert Haug gave a lecture entitled "Iran and Not Iran: The Scope and Spread of Iranian Cultural Heritage from Antiquity until Today" as part of the School of Architecture and Interior Design's Spring Lecture series in DAAP.

Alyssa McClanahan, who received her PhD from the department in 2016 and now teaches as an adjunct professor with us, was accepted to speak at Progressive Connexions' upcoming conference on political dissent and whistleblowing, to be held in Slovakia in July 2020. She will be presenting research from her forthcoming book on Cincinnati's abandoned nuclear power plant and the role of whistleblowers in that story

Poster with a picture of a women smiling at camera

Shailaja Paik was interviewed for the Prajnya Weblog in the “History Room.” Prajnya is a non-profit research center with a public education mandate. Our work in the area of women's rights pivots around ending two kinds of silence--the silence that surrounds violence against women and other gender-based violence, and the silence that still obscures and renders invisible the work women do in the public sphere. We are trying to build a Resource Centre on Women in Politics and Policy. We have set up the Prajnya Archives, a user-generated repository of visuals primarily depicting and documenting women's work in the public sphere. We also have an oral history project, Life Stories, which involves interviews with women whose life has involved public activity. Public education is an important mandate for all work and our blog is one platform we use for this mandate. Paik also featured in UC news regarding her recent ACLS Fellowship.

David Stradling has published a blog post on the Trump administration's water pollution policies at Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective. Using case studies from the Maumee, Cuyahoga and Ohio rivers, Stradling describes how the Trump policies represent a culmination of the Republican Party's decades-long movement away from environmental protection, which had been a bipartisan concern in the early 1970s.

Willard Sunderland offered comments on a paper at the East Coast Russian History Circle, which met at Georgetown University on Saturday, February 29th. He also spent a week in Moscow in mid-February consulting with colleagues at the Higher School of Economics where he helps run a research project focused on the history of Russian regions.  

group of people taking a selfie and smiling

Rebecca Wingo and her students went on several field trips in February. They were joined by PhD candidate Anne Steinert for a gallery talk of her exhibit “Finding Kenyon-Barr” at the Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Church. On one cold Saturday morning, Bond Hill + Roselawn Collaborative representative Mr. Kurt Billups took the students on a walking tour of Bond Hill. Wingo also presented at the Cincinnati Project’s 6th Annual Symposium on March 6th, discussing the role of community engagement in higher education institutions. Wingo has been converting her isolation energies into a Quarantine Cookbook, full of dark humor to feed your soul. Eat up!

Alumni News

Nick Seay (BA 2014 and current PhD student at OSU) published an article "Soviet-Tajik Writing Intelligentsia in the Late 1930s" in a special issue of RUDN Journal of Russian History (vol. 19, no. 1 (2020) on “The Life of the Nations of the USSR between 1920-1950.”

Emeriti News 

Tom Sakmyster published an in the American Communal Societies Quarterly (Vol. 14, no. 1, January, 2020): “The White Water, Ohio Shaker Community: A Newly Discovered Visitor Account. Westliche Blåtter (May 22, 1877).” The article calls attention to a previously unknown article on the Shaker community of White Water (located 25 miles northwest of Cincinnati) that appeared in 1877 in one of Cincinnati’s German-language newspapers. The article contains Sakmyster’s full translation of the article, along with annotations and an introduction.

Picture of an older man

It is with heavy hearts that we mourn the loss of our former colleague, Professor Frank A. Kafker.
Prof. Kafker died in Dedham, MA, on 1 April 2020 from complications due to Parkinson’s disease. Frank was a lovely man and an accomplished historian of the Enlightenment, the French Revolution and Napoleon. From 1985-1992, Prof. Kafker and another colleague at UC, Prof. James Laux, co-edited French Historical Studies. His obituary ran in the New York Times on April 5, 2020.

Black History Month Events

4:00 pm, Wednesday, February 12

Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church (103 William Howard Taft Road)

Join Curator Anne Delano Steinert for a Curator’s Walk & Talk through the "Finding Kenyon Barr: Exploring Images of Cincinnati's Lost Lower West End" exhibit. The exhibit features photographs taken in 1959 as the city prepared to demolish nearly 4000 buildings causing the displacement of nearly 25,000 residents from Cincinnati's West End—a neighborhood which was 97% African American. Join Steinert to explore the exhibition and learn more about this act of institutional racism which has forever reshaped Cincinnati's urban landscape. To walk over with a group, meet Dr. Rebecca Wingo at 3:30pm in 358 McMicken Hall.

4:30 pm, Tuesday, February 18

Annie Laws Room, 407 Teachers / Dyer

Evelyn L. Wilson will give a talk called “Charles McMicken and the African American Community in West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana. Wilson earned her JD from Louisiana State University. She taught law at the Southern University Law Center for nearly 30 years and has a long list of publications in legal history, with a focus on social justice. She is now ABD in the History doctoral program at LSU. Her dissertation focuses on the free Black population in antebellum St. Francisville, Louisiana, which was one of the homes of Charles McMicken, the primary donor to the University of Cincinnati. Wilson has been studying the population of free people of color in the Mississippi River port of Bayou Sarah and neighboring St. Francisville. Understanding this community will facilitate understanding McMicken’s relationship to his African-American family, free people of color in the parish, and people he held in slavery.

Charles McMicken lived seasonally in St. Francisville from 1808 to 1858. McMicken owned and traded slaves while in residence in Louisiana. He was also the father of an unknown number of children with enslaved women. McMicken's relationship with these enslaved people is of special interest at UC, and particularly in the College of Arts and Sciences as the institution attempts to more fully understand its relationship to slavery. UC's research to date has focused on St. Francisville, the site of some of McMicken's many properties in the south and his primary residence as he made his fortune in commerce. Join us to learn more about this town and Charles McMicken's life there.

2 pm, Wednesday, February 19

African American Cultural Resource Center

Open format Q&A with Evelyn L. Wilson. Open to undergraduate students, graduate students, staff, and faculty.

TENTATIVE, Saturday, February 29

Ripley, Ohio

Join the History Club for a trip to the John Rankin House and John Parker House, two sites abolitionist and underground railroad sites in Ohio

Graduate Student News

Debra Burgess’ paper titled "Closer Connections: The Response of Immigrant Religious Communities to Progressive Era Child-Saving Reforms, 1880-1930" has been accepted for the Sixth Annual Midwestern History Conference, to be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on May 12-13, 2020.

Anne Delano Steinert presented “Standing Right Here: The Built Environment as a Tool for Historical Inquiry” at the American Historical Association in January 2020.

Faculty News

Wayne Durrill reviewed a book manuscript for the University of South Carolina Press, and also wrote a book review for the Journal of American History.

Robert Haug published an article "The Gifts of Mihragan: Muslim Governors and Gift Giving during Non-Muslim Holidays" in What Difference Does Time Make?: Papers from the Ancient and Islamic Middle East and China in Honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Midwest Brand of the American Oriental Society, edited by JoAnn Scurlock and Richard Beal (Oxford: ArchaeoPress, 2019).

Maura O'Connor was the commentator and co-organizer of a very well-received conference panel titled "The Speed of Finance: Historicizing the Time and Experience of Finance Capital," that brought together British, French and Chinese scholars who presented papers at the recent meeting of the American Historical Association held from 3-6 January in New York, NY

 Shailaja Paik  has been awarded the American Council of Learned Societies Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowship at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University for 2020-21. Paik has also been invited as an expert by the Center for Contemporary South Asia at Brown University to discuss Ajantha Subramanian’s (Harvard University) monograph The Caste of Merit: Engineering Education in India (Harvard University Press).

Social Science Academic Press (China) has published a Chinese translation of David Stradling’s first book, Smokestacks and Progressives: Environmentalists, Engineers, and Air Quality in America, 1881-1951. The translation appears on the 20thanniversary of the English version, published by Johns Hopkins University Press, and it includes a new preface by Stradling.

Rebecca Wingo presented “Controlling the Crows: Housing and Resistance in a Surveillance State” at the American Historical Association Conference in January 2020, where she also attended the “Getting Started in Digital History” workshop and volunteered for the Digital Drop-In hours. Her article, “The Job of the Academic Market,” was published in the AHA’s January Perspectives magazine. It received over 500 shares on social media in the first 24 hours.

Alumi News

Jacob Koch is a researcher at Heritage Village Museum. He received his BA in History from UC and is currently a graduate student at Northern Kentucky University. Jacob's article, "Our Rich History: John T. Thompson of Newport Was a Firearms Inventor of International Acclaim," was recently published by the Northern Kentucky Tribune and will appear as a chapter in an upcoming book celebrating the history of Newport and its 225 anniversary.

Save The Date

We welcome Dr. Gregg Grandin as our annual Taft Speaker.

March 9 – 10, 2020

Undergraduate Student News

Group of students with planes in the background

Lily Frierson's students at the USAF Museum

Students in Dr. Lily Frierson's WWI and the World course attended two extra-credit events: a private conversation and tour of the WWI exhibits with Dr. Douglas Lantry, curator and historian of the United States Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson, and a walking tour with Dr. Frierson of German-American and African-American ethnicities in Cincinnati before, during, and after WWI. Dr. Rebecca Wingo’s students launched a successful “In-Stall History” exhibit, and you can read their full blogs here if you missed them. Students in her West End Archive class also designed and developed a series of exhibits. They need a little cleaning up, but are worth a first look!

Graduate Student News

Group of people smiling at a camera

Students on their walking tour of Cincinnati with Lily Frierson (far left). Students included two graduate students: Shawn Liming and Paulo Masello.

Shawn Liming spoke at the Georgetown Veterans Home in Georgetown, Ohio in late November. He presented about experiences from his eight deployments to Afghanistan to the veterans who live in the home and encouraged them to share their own stories.

In November, PhD student Kevin McPartland presented a paper titled "The Birthing of a Nation: The Southern Press, Slavery, and Nationalism in the Secession Crisis" at the Symposium on the 19th Century Press, the Civil War, and Free Expression at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga. He received the Student Award for Excellence for Best Student Paper.

PhD Candidate Anne Delano Steinert presented a paper entitled "Bedecked with Flags and Flowers: One Urban School as a Document of the Changing Fate of Urban America" at the interdisciplinary Ruhrgebiet Und Rust Belt: Schichtungen Des Urbanen conference in Dortmund, Germany November 7 and 8. The paper explored one site in Over-the-Rhine which has housed the Thirteenth District School, Webster School, a parking lot, and now the indefinitely closed Findlay Playground as a document of the evolving physical condition of urban America from the 1840s to the present. Steinert also participated as a respondent to a paper given by Dr. Teresa Kovacs of Indiana University on performance and installation art in rust belt cities. The Cincinnati Preservation Collective awarded Anne Delano Steinert their 2019 Citizenship Award. This award honored her work’s emphasis on equity and inclusion in historic preservation.

PhD candidate Angela Stiefbold discussed her dissertation work on farmers' and exurban estate owners' shared interest in farmland preservation as part of a panel, "The Economics of Preservation," at the Society for American City and Regional Planning History's conference in Northern Virginia at the beginning of November.

Faculty News

Elizabeth Frierson presented a paper on Middle Eastern pharmacists at a panel organized by UC alum Isaac Hand (NYU, one chapter written of his dissertation) at the Middle East Studies Association annual meeting, and caught up with our other alum, Huma Gupta, who just defended her dissertation at MIT and was also presenting her research at MESA.

Maura O'Connor ventured to Vancouver, B.C. from 14-17 November to present a conference paper titled, "Outsiders as Economic Insiders: Bankers and Brokers," on a panel about the making of British economic culture in the long nineteenth century at the annual meeting of the North American Conference on British Studies. The paper is drawn from a chapter of her book in progress "Risking the World: the London Stock Exchange and the British Financial Empire, 1798-1902."

Christopher Phillips was the invited speaker at the November 2019 meeting of the Civil War Roundtable of Lexington, Kentucky. He presented "Netherworld of War: The Contours of Military Occupation in Civil War Kentucky."

Steve Porter was recently the guest of an hourlong call-in radio program discussing his research into U.S. refugee affairs, past and present. He spoke on similar issues at an auditorium in Missoula, Montana filled with members of both the university and local communities, including resettled refugees and refugee aid personnel. It was the inaugural event for the University of Montana’s “Making Humanities Public” lecture series which aims to better connect the academy with the broader community through discussions of hot-button issues. While out amid the Rockies, he also helped direct a dissertation proposal hearing for a U of M PhD candidate on whose committee he serves. You can watch and listen to the radio program here.

Kate Sorrels held a workshop on Digital Humanities and Community Outreach for CCM's Musicology & Ethnomusicology Workgroup, a group of faculty developing online projects about music in Cincinnati.

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Willard Sunderland in Guangzhou, China.

Willard Sunderland participated in a books-in-progress seminar at NYU Abu Dhabi in October and gave a paper at a conference that he helped organize on Russian regional history at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. In mid-November he presented two lectures at Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) University in Guangzhou, China, and then provided commentaries on panels on Russia and the Pacific and on Russian visual culture in the 19th century at the annual meeting of the Association for East European, Eurasian, and Slavic Studies (ASEEES) in San Francisco.

Alumni News

Professor Haimanti Roy, UC Ph.d (2006), Associate Professor of History at the University of Dayton, lectured on November 13, 2019 on "Paper Citizens: Mobility, Citizenship and Belonging after Partition" on November 13, 2019 at the Center for Historical Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India. She is currently working at archives in Kolkata and New Delhi on how citizenship is reconfigured in independent India and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Her pioneering research is supported by a highly competitive nine month fellowship from the American Institute for Indian Studies.

Annual Friends of the History Department Bash

Thanks to Maura O’Connor, Willard Sunderland, and Special Guest Mary Lindemann

Upcoming Events

November 5 from 4-5pm at 321 Blegen Library join the Classics Department for a reception honoring the publication of Marion Kruse’s The Politics of Roman Memory: From the Fall of the Western Empire to the Age of Justinian.

November 14 from 5:30-6:30pm at 308 Blegen Library join the Classics Department for a lecture by Cliff Ando (University of Chicago) titled, “Law, Space, and Politics in the Roman Republic Empire.”

Undergraduate Student News

Jacob Koch graduated with a BA in History in 2018.  He now works as a researcher at Heritage Village Museum in Sharonville, OH and is a Master's student at NKU.  He recently published an article on the Cincinnati pioneer of aeronautics Thaddeus Lowe.Check out his essay here.

Graduate Student News

Daniel Farrell’s book chapter, “‘The Nation Cannot Now be Entrusted to Hands Reeking with the Blood of Loyal Victims’: Prison Propaganda, Hard War and the Politics of Criminalization,” recently passed peer review and is under contract for an edited volume on prisoners of war in United States history through the University Press of Kansas.  He also presented the paper, “They ‘Will Have to Stretch for it’: War Criminality, Martial Law and the Continuance of Summary Execution After Appomattox,” at the Ohio Valley History Conference.

Faculty News

Rob Haug joined Professors Elizabeth Frierson, Rebecca Sanders (Political Science), and Alexander Thurston (Political Science/Islamic Studies) for a teach-in on UC's campus on "Syria, Turkey, and the Kurds." He also published a memorial article for his PhD advisor, Michael Bonner, entitled "Recompence and Reward: The Scholarly Contributions of Michael David Bonner (1952-2019)" in the journal Der Islam (vol. 96, no. 2). He presented the paper "Whither the Samanid Frontier? Aristocratic Violence and Ribat in Central Asia" as part of the conference Islam, Markets, Empires, Frontiers: A Tribute to Michael Bonner (1952-2019) at the University of Michigan.

Kate Sorrels held a workshop for the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning on “Promoting Urban Impact through Digital Projects with Community Partners.” 

group of people smilimg

Failure Panel (L to R): Ryan Hall (Colgate University), Shannon Murray (Calgary Stampede), Rebecca Wingo (University of Cincinnati), Anne Hyde (University of Oklahoma), Margaret Jacobs (University of Nebraska), Jason Heppler (University of Nebraska at Omaha), and Michael Lansing (Augsburg University).

Rebecca Wingo presented at the Western History Association conference in Las Vegas. Her first paper was derived from her in-progress manuscript, titled “Controlling the Crows: Adult Education and Resistance in a Surveillance State.” She also assembled and presented on a “Failure Roundtable” that included Anne Hyde, one of our speakers from the Spring. 

Jeff Zalar presented the paper “The Kulturkampf and Catholic Identity” at the annual meeting of the German Studies Association in Portland, OR.  There he also participated in the roundtable discussion, “Is There a German History of Knowledge?” which was sponsored by the German Historical Institute.  He delivered the lunchtime keynote address, “A Method of Teaching Transferable Skills at UC,” at the fall Learning and Teaching at UC conference.  He delivered the public lecture “The Persecution of Catholics during Europe’s Long Nineteenth Century” for The Aquinas Society of Cincinnati.

Affiliate Faculty News

Joseph Takougang (Africana Studies) received a $2,700 International Conference Travel Grant from the Taft Research Center to present a paper titled “A Historical Appraisal of the Foumban Constitutional Conference and Its Contribution to the Current Political Crisis in Cameroon” at the 37th Annual  Meeting of the Association of Global South Studies in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 15-17 December 2019.

Peter van Minnen (Classics) produced the Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 56 (2019), published by Peeters, Leuven (Belgium). He has been editor-in-chief of BASP since 2006.

Upcoming Events

Xavier University and the University of Cincinnati are proud to co-sponsor the Universities Studying Slavery (USS) Fall 2019 Symposium, entitled The Academy’s Original Sin. Join us in addressing historical and contemporary issues dealing with race and inequality in higher education and university communities and the complicated legacies of slavery in both modern American society and the Queen City. You are invited to experience this national, multi-institutional, collaborative effort that encompasses forty-nine campuses by participating on panels, at events, and even with vendors at this four-day symposium.

Alumni News

Connie Sexauer received a Ph.D. from the UC History Department in 2003.  She has written a new history of the baseball parks in St. Louis and their significance to a major American city.  The book, titled From a Park, to a Stadium, to a Little Piece of Heaven, will be published this month.  Sexauer is currently Associate Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point, and she now lives in St. Louis.  An interview about the book was broadcast on St. Louis Public Radio.  Check out the interview here

Graduate Student News

Kevin McPartland’s seminar paper from last year was accepted for presentation at the Symposium on the 19th century Press, the Civil War, and Free Expression in Chattanooga.  It also won an award for one of the best student papers. 

Group of people smiling at camera

Follow Shawn Liming’s adventures in Poland. He is part of a project with CCM retracingthe journey of a young Polish Jew who was captured in Czéstochowa, Poland. He was imprisoned and later liberated from Buchenwald concentration camp. Follow his “Hope After Hate” class on our History Department account.

Faculty News

 Isaac Campos gave a visiting lecture at Wright Patterson Air Force Base to officers destined for Latin America. He also appeared on the radio on WBEZ Chicago responding to questions about appropriate terminology for cannabis and its history. 

Girl writing on note pad

Brianna Leavitt-Alcantara working in the Archivo Diocesano Histórico de San Cristobal (aka the Cathedral Archive).

Brianna Leavitt-Alcantara conducted research in San Cristobal (Chiapas, Mexico) for her new book project, The Virgin’s Wrath: Faith, Gender, and Violence in the Mayan Highlands of Chiapas. She presented three papers at a conference on 19th century history in Guatemala and Chiapas, including a book talk on Alone at the Altar: Single Women and Devotion in Guatemala, 1670-1870.

Christopher Phillips was an invited speaker at the “Disorder on the Border” Symposium in Lawrence, Kansas on September 6-7.  The symposium on the Bleeding Kansas and Civil War era was jointly sponsored by the University of Kansas and the Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage Area.


While no date has been set, the History Department intends to hold the Fourth Annual Zane L. Miller Symposium in Fall 2019.  The goal of the Symposium is to engage the public on critical current issues by bringing together community leaders, city residents, scholars and students. Previous Symposia have addressed gentrification and displacement, race and film, and the legacy of slave-owner Charles McMicken.  

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, September 17, 2019-Uwe Luken Lecture on Environmental History Taft Research Center, 6:00PM .Uwe Lubken of the AmerikaInstitut, Ludwig Maximillian University in Munich will be coming to UC to give a lecture titled "Environmental Change Migration: Historical Perspectives." Lecture starts at 6:00 pm at the Taft Research Center.

Weds, September 18, 2019Shawn Liming speaks on summer projects brown county public library, 1:00PM. History graduate student Shawn Liming will be speaking about his experiences this past summer in Poland at 1:00 pm to a book club at the Brown County Public Library 200 W. Grant Avenue Georgetown, OH 45121 (937-378-3197).

September 26-27, 2019Dis/Ability in Germany: Yesterday and Today UC & Holocaust and Humanity Center. Please save the dates for a conference on dis/ability in German literature, culture, and history, to be held at UC and the Holocaust and Humanity Center (Cincinnati Museum Center). 

Emeriti News

John Brackett contributed to the BBC documentary, “A Fresh Guide to Florence and Venice,” which will be broadcast on BBC America on 27 and 28 September, probably at 9 PM. It will be shown four times in that space of time. Interested faculty can see it on computer or TV, if they get BBC America. An online link to the video is here (the password is fresh5) 

Hilda Smith gave a paper on “The integrated Margaret Cavendish” at the meeting of the International Margaret Cavendish Society in Trondheim, Norway on 7 June. She published “The Radical Nature of Mary Astell's Christian Feminism” in Feminist History of Philosophy: The Recovery and Evaluation of Women's Philosophical Thought (Springer, 2019), pp. 301-19. She received Taft international conference and travel for research awards for the spring 2019 semester.

Graduate Student News

In June, Gregory Jason Bell (PhD 2014) taught a one-month intensive course on Czechoslovak history in Prague for The Citadel.Replace with your text

Man presenting

Daniel Farrell published the review essay, “Moving (Mostly) beyond Atrocities: New Directions in Civil War Prisons,” in Ohio Valley History (Summer 2019). He presented the paper, “Think of the Starving, Dying Dead at Andersonville: Politicizing Death and the Fight Over Radical Reconstruction in the 1868 Election” at the International Conference on War and Social Movements. He was also this year’s recipient of the William E. Foley Research Fellowship, an annual award to conduct research at the Missouri State Archives. Here is a photo of the presentation.

In June, Angela Shope Stiefbold gave a presentation based on her dissertation research at the Agricultural History Society’s Annual Conference, held in Washington, D.C. Her volunteer work expanded to include serving as assistant editor of the Urban History Association’s blog, The Metropole. She was also appointed member of the Town of Chapel Hill, NC’s Historic Preservation Commission.

Faculty News

Isaac Campos traveled to Shanghai in June for the biennial conference of the Alcohol and Drugs History Society. There he presented a paper that made a case for a revisionist movement in Mexican drug history, chaired a panel, commented on another, and participated in two roundtables and in the meeting of the Executive Committee, on which he serves. He also agreed to edit a special issue of the Social History of Alcohol and Drugs on new research in Mexican drug history.

In May, Rob Haug presented the paper “The Mawla who needed a Translator: Conquest and Mobility in an Imperial Borderland” at the conference “Ērānšahr in Transition: West and Central Asia between the Sasanians and Islam, 600-750 CE” held at Princeton University. In June, his book, The Eastern Frontier: Limits of Empire in Late Antique and Early Medieval Central Asia was published by I.B. Tauris. Former UC History student Nick Seay interviewed Prof. Haug about his book for the New Books Network. That interview is available hereIn July, he presented the paper “The Limits of Cooperation: Alliance and Rebellion in Early Islamic Tirmidh and Beyond” as part of the panel “Transforming Identities on the Early Islamic Frontier” at the International Medieval Congress held at the University of Leeds (UK).

LABORonline, the digital site of The Labor and Working Class History Association, published a lengthy interview with Mark Lause about his very successful recent book, The Great Cowboy Strike: Bullets, Ballots and Class Conflicts in the American West (Verso, 2018). Check out the interview here

Shailaja Paik won a $40,000 grant “Towards Equal Dignity, Towards Equal Rights” from the Henry Luce Foundation. She worked on organizing the Fifth International Conference on Dr. Ambedkar with the New School of Social Research to be held in October. She gained a book contract with Cambridge University Press for her co-edited volume on Ambedkar. She reviewed fifteen chapters for the book. She was the reader on a Stanford University student’s PhD committee.

Kate Sorrels will hold a workshop at CET&L on “Promoting Urban Impact through Digital Projects with Community Partners.” It takes place on  30 October at 3:00 PM. People can see the full description and sign up through Faculty Development OneStop.

Six people smiling at a camera

Maura O’Connor with family and friends on Hampstead Heath, June 2019.

Maura O’Connor spent June in London doing follow up research at the Stock Exchange Archive. This was additional research for a chapter of her book in the making, Risking the World: The London Stock Exchange and the British Financial Empire, that tells the stories of bankers and brokers. She was also a guest speaker on two occasions in later July at the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company’s performance of Miss Holmes, a gender twist on a familiar story. She participated in a Sunday salon after a matinee performance and also gave a short talk to an audience before another performance.

Twelve people smiling at a camera holding a University of Cincinnati flag

Mark Raider with Dr. Matthews, and HIST 3110H meeting with Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel B. Shapiro (center) in Tel Aviv.

Mark Raider is chair of UC International’s “Israel Initiative,” a campus-wide project launched in spring 2018.  The new initiative builds on points of UC faculty contact with the University of Haifa, Oranim College of Education, and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, which are located in Haifa, the country’s third largest city.  With respect to the History Department, the initiative also seeks to bolster the new joint PhD program in modern Jewish history and culture (cosponsored with the Cincinnati campus of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion) and cultivate the close links between the History Department, the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, and the University of Haifa’s Ruderman Program for American Jewish Studies.

In the summer 2019, Dr. Raider and Prof. Charles Matthews (LCB) co-led a new History/Honors class—“Israel Today: Start-Up Nation” (HIST3110)—on a 12-day study tour to Israel.  Based in the Haifa area, the study tour included meetings with high-tech industry leaders, Jewish and Palestinian/Arab communities, and Israeli university students.  Excursions to cultural and historic sites included tours of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Nazareth as well as visits to antiquities, archaeological digs, nature preserves, and a kibbutz settlement.  See photo below of Dr. Raider, Dr. Matthews, and HIST3110H Students meeting with Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel B. Shapiro, seated at center, in Tel Aviv.

Dr. Raider’s new publications are: “The Public Political Theology of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise,” CCAR Journal (Summer 2019); “Moshe Dayan: ‘Israel’s No. 1 Hero’ (in America),” Journal of Israeli History (July 2019); and “‘Girded for the Superhuman Task’: American Jews and the Trope of the Zionist Pioneer, 1925-1956,” American Jewish History (September 2019). 

Jeff Zalar was a panelist at the Cincinnati May Festival Event, “The Faith of Composer Sir James MacMillan,” which was held at The Athenaeum of Ohio Seminary in Cincinnati.  He delivered a public lecture entitled “On the Right Relationship of Faith and Culture” for Theology on Tap Cincinnati.  He led the staff development workshop, “Teach Students How to Learn: Honing the Transferable Skills of a Well-Ordered Mind” for the College Academic Services Unit. He blogged at “History of Knowledge: Research, Resources, and Perspectives,” a site maintained by the German Historical Institute in Washington, D.C.  He gave a podcast interview on the New Books Network on his monograph, Reading and Rebellion in Catholic Germany, 1770-1914 (Cambridge UP, 2019).  Check out the interview here.

Three people smiling with mountains behind them.

Rebecca Wingo with her family at Mont Blanc.

Rebecca Wingo took her bi-annual writing retreat to Ambilly, France, this July where she hiked, biked, ran, and swam in addition to completing plenty of writing. She finished her edited volume (with Jason Heppler and Paul Schadewald) Digital Community Engagement: Partnering Communities with the Academy (University of Cincinnati Press, 2020). She also co-wrote (with William G. Thomas, III) “Building Communities, Reconciling Histories: Can We Reach a More Honest History?,” in The Handbook of Digital Public History, edited by Serge Noiret and Mark Tebeau (Berlin: De Gruyter Press, 2021) and reconceptualized her manuscript, Framing the Crows.

Affiliate Faculty News

Peter van Minnen (affiliate in Classics) published the chapter “Economic Growth and the Exploitation of Land” in K. Vandorpe (ed.), Blackwell Companion to Greco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2019) 251–268.  He delivered the lecture, “Romans in Egypt before the Constitutio Antoniniana,” at the 29th International Congress of Papyrology in Lecce, Italy.


Save the date poster. October 9-12 The Academy's Original Sin

Xavier University and the University of Cincinnati are proud to co-sponsor the Universities Studying Slavery (USS) Fall 2019 Symposium, entitled The Academy’s Original Sin.  Join us in addressing historical and contemporary issues dealing with race and inequality in higher education and university communities and the complicated legacies of slavery in both modern American society and the Queen City.  You are invited to experience this national, multi-institutional, collaborative effort that encompasses forty-nine campuses by participating on panels, at events, and even with vendors at this four-day symposium. 

While no date has been set, the History Department intends to hold the Fourth Annual Zane L. Miller Symposium in Fall 2019.  The goal of the Symposium is to engage the public on critical current issues by bringing together community leaders, city residents, scholars and students. Previous Symposia have addressed gentrification and displacement, race and film, and the legacy of slave-owner Charles McMicken.  

Emeriti News

John K. Alexander gave a presentation entitled “Samuel Adams, the Movement to Independence, and the Vexed Issue of Slavery in Revolutionary America” to the Western Reserve Civil War Round Table. 

John K. Brackett was interviewed for the BBC documentary, "The Lost Renaissance: Black Africans in Italian Renaissance Art." He addressed the black racial heritage of the first duke of Florence, Alessandro (1510-1537). Other contributors discussed the depiction of black Africans, largely ignored until recently, in the art of Florence and Venice. The program will be shown in July, probably on a Saturday evening at 9 pm, on the BBC channel. Stay tuned! 

Barbara Ramusack (Charles Phelps Taft Professor of History Emerita) contributed to a three-part podcast entitled "Reflections on Royal India." It accompanies the exhibition "Treasure of a Desert Kingdom: The Royal Arts of Jodhpur, India" at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. The exhibition is there until September 2019. She also presented an article in process on "Christian Missionary Women's Hospitals in Mysore State" at a workshop on "Princely Cities: Towards A New Urban History of South Asia" at the Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester, UK. While in England, she researched her topic at the Welcome Medical History Library in London. 

Tom Sakmyster delivered a talk at the Enfield Shaker Museum Spring Forum in Enfield, New Hampshire: “Rejecting Celibacy: Shakers Who Fell in Love and Married.” 

Undergraduate News

Three History undergraduates received funds to support their travel for study abroad this spring and summer. Madelyn Iles received funds from the Werner and Anne Von Rosenstiel Scholarship for a trip to the Czech Republic. Christopher Padgett and Reese Whitely received funds from the Badanes Fellowship in International History for trips to Israel and Belgium/the Netherlands, respectively. 

Seven students received awards for the excellent papers they completed this year. Emma Vincent won the prize for best paper submitted in a freshmen seminar and Madeleine Abanto won the Hilda L. Smith Prize for the best undergraduate paper in women’s history. The George B. Engberg Prize is awarded for the best capstone research papers in Non-U.S. History. Seth Cebula won first place and Isabella Branco won second place. The George Newburger Award is for the best capstone research papers in U.S. History. First place went to Natalie Lloyd while Elena Butler and Kevin Long tied for second place. 

Finally, three additional students received prizes for overall excellence, service, and leadership. Lydia Christopher and Meredith Zukor received a Lenore F. McGrane Award for excellence in their History coursework. Madeleine Abanto received the History Club Service and Leadership Award in recognition of her years of hard work on behalf of the club and its members. Madeleine Abanto also won the University’s Spirit of Community Award, as she was chosen among other departments’ nominees as the student in the College of Arts & Sciences who best exemplifies “the Spirit of Community”: serving his/her fellow majors, the University, and the world beyond our campus. 

Congratulations to all our undergraduate award winners! 

Graduate Student News

Recent MA graduate Sarah Muncy accepted the position of full-time Assistant Managing Editor for the University of Cincinnati Press. Her duties include creating press production schedules, working with contracted authors and journal editors, coordinating freelance typesetters and designers, evaluating art and cover designs, maintaining print vendor relationships, sending typesetter files to printers and ebook converters, and overseeing other details from permissions to copyright and LOC data. She completed her MA thesis on World War II evacuations of British children. 

Five people standing on covered terrace, holding award certificates, smiling

Graduate award winners at award ceremony; from left to right: Anne Steinert, Alexandra Pasqualone, Dan Farrell, Conor Howard, and Tyson Sadlier.

The Zane L. Miller Prizes awarded for the three best research essays produced by graduate students during the academic year have been announced. The first went to 2nd-year MA student Conor Howard for “Remembering the Ladies: Eighteenth-Century Female Letter Writers and Patriarchal Masculinity.” The second went to 1st-year PhD student Daniel Farrell for “Highway Robbers or Prisoners of War? Civilians, the Lieber Code, and the Problem of Confederate Guerrillas during the American Civil War.” The third went to 2nd-year MA student Alexandra Pasqualone for “Leading the Charge: The Protests of Black Youth in the 1967 Philadelphia High School Student Walkout.” 

The John K. Alexander Award for best Graduate Teaching Assistant went to 2nd-year MA student William Tyson Sadleir.

The John K. Alexander Award for best Graduate Student Teacher went to Anne Delano Steinert, ABD. 

Shawn Liming (MA Student) received a department travel grant as well as a Niehoff Summer Research Fellowship to support his research and language study in Cracow, Poland this coming summer. 

Congratulations to all our grad student awardees! 

In addition, we learned that some of our recently graduated MAs will be continuing with doctoral work this fall. Alexandra Pasqualone will begin a PhD program in History and Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Conor Howard will join the PhD program in History at Indiana University. William Tyson Sadleir will pursue a History doctorate at Columbia University. 

Faculty News

Sigrun Haude reviewed a book manuscript for Cambridge University Press. 

Steve Porter was awarded the Gene Lewis Faculty Teaching Prize in May 2019 for his dedicated, passionate, and inspiring work as a teacher this year. Many congratulations, Steve, for this well-deserved recognition! 

In April and May, Kate Sorrels is on a research trip to Vienna, London, and Aberdeen supported by a grant from the Dietrich W. Botstieber Foundation. She is visiting nine archives and doing a series of oral history interviews in order to trace the flight from Nazi Vienna of a group of Jewish refugee physicians, medical students, and artists working in the field of curative education for children with cognitive disabilities. She also submitted a review of Dagmar Herzog’s Unlearning Eugenics (University of Wisconsin Press, 2018), which will appear in an H-Net roundtable with Herzog’s response next month. Meanwhile, for her integration of digital humanities into courses on the Holocaust and the refugee experience, she has won the university’s Award for Innovative Uses of Technology in Teaching. You can read more about the award and her uses of technology in teaching here. Congratulations, Kate! 

The fiftieth anniversary of the Cuyahoga River Fire is upon us! David Stradling gave several talks on the topic, including “The Cuyahoga River Fire, Earth Day, the Clean Water Act, and Beer” at the American Society for Environmental History Conference in Columbus and “Celebrating the Cuyahoga’s Fifty Flame-Free Years” to the Conservancy for Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Cleveland. For an interview recorded by Ohio V. The World, see

In April, Willard Sunderland served as an evaluator for a historian nominee for the Wittgenstien Award offered by the Austrian Science Fund, Vienna, Austria, and presented an invited paper at the Russian History Circle (Kruzhok) in Chicago held at Roosevelt University. He was also awarded a fellowship for 2019-20 by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, DC. 

Jeff Zalar gave talks on religious faith and university learning to the UC Society of Saint Paul and the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. He gave the workshop “Teach Students How to Learn: Honing the Transferable Skills of a Well-Ordered Mind” to the Committee for Quality in Teaching and Learning at UC’s College of Allied Health Sciences. 

Four students standing around flying pig statue

Thanks to support from the Von Rosenstiel Fund and the History Department, students in Susan Karr’s European Renaissance course attended “Macbeth” performed by the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company. Students and a special companion pictured from left to right are Owen Schuh, John Kevin, Ham-let, Reese Whitely, and Olivia Mesecar. “Nature teaches beasts to know their friends”—Coriolanus, II.i.5. 

Rebecca Wingo presented “Help Plz, K Thx” on a sponsored panel of “Women in Digital History” at the meeting of the Organization of American Historians in Philadelphia. In addition, she was the keynote speaker for the Colorado Regional Phi Alpha Theta Conference at Western Colorado. Here she delivered a talk entitled “Community Engagement in the Digital Age: Redefining Success for Those of Us Who Fail a Lot.” At this conference, she also ran a workshop for undergraduates interested in incorporating digital tools into their research. 


Be sure to check out the latest issue of Ohio Valley History (19, 1 Spring 2019), which includes four articles by UC History faculty and students, namely: David Stradling, “Zane L. Miller and the Cincinnati School of History”; Ph.D. candidate Kristen Fleming, “Utilizing the ‘Worthless’ Animal: The Musseling Industry of the Ohio River”; Ph.D. candidate Angela Shope Stiefbold, “A Rural-Urban Divide: The 1949 Campaign for Zoning in Hamilton County, Ohio”; and recent Ph.D. Alyssa McClanahan, “The Case for Safe and Affordable Energy: The Community Fight against the William Zimmer Nuclear Power Plant, 1969-1985.” 

While no date has been set, the History Department intends to hold the Fourth Annual Zane L. Miller Symposium in Fall 2019. The goal of the Symposium is to engage the public on critical current issues by bringing together community leaders, city residents, scholars and students. Previous Symposia have addressed gentrification and displacement, race and film, and the legacy of slave-owner Charles McMicken. Look for more details in the September issue of “The Primary Source.” 

In November 2019, Jeff Zalar, author of Reading and Rebellion in Catholic Germany, 1770-1914 (Cambridge, 2019), will deliver the 7th Annual Conway Lecture in Catholic Studies: “The Index of Forbidden Books: Facts and Fantasies in the History of Modern Knowledge.” 

Xavier University and the University of Cincinnati are proud to co-sponsor the Universities Studying Slavery (USS) Fall 2019 Symposium, entitled The Academy’s Original Sin. Join us in addressing historical and contemporary issues dealing with race and inequality in higher education and university communities, and the complicated legacies of slavery in both modern American society and the Queen City. You are invited to experience this national, multi-institutional, collaborative effort that encompasses forty-nine campuses by participating on panels, at events, and even with vendors at this four-day symposium. 

Important Reminder!

Calling all historians! Make sure to attend this year’s Queen City Colloquium, the department’s annual graduate student conference, which will feature papers by many of our talented undergrad majors as well as MA and PhD students, plus a keynote address by noted historian Craig Koslofsky of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. For more details on the papers and the keynote, click the program files attached along with this email. The event will be held at the Taft Research Center on the ground floor of Edwards I from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM this Friday, April 5th. Be there and be enlightened!

Affiliate Faculty News

Affiliate Faculty News Joseph Takougang (Africana Studies) published a 9000-word peer-reviewed essay titled “Nationalism and Decolonization Cameroon” in the Oxford Encyclopedia of African History. He also served as external reviewer of a Ph.D. dissertation undertaken at the University of Jahannesburg titled, “Promoting Democracy in Cameroon: The Role of Civil Society.”

Emeriti News

John K. Alexander reviewed Adam Costanzo’s George Washington’s Washington: Visions for the National Capital in the Early American Republic in Journal of American History 105 (March 2019): 1001-2. 

Faculty News

Isaac Campos gave a talk at the UC College of Law’s “Week Against Mass Incarceration and the War on Drugs,” in which he drew comparisons between drug panics past and present. The talk was titled, “Rapid Change, Deviance, and the War on Drugs.” 

Routledge Press published Holly McGee’s book, Radical AntiApartheid Internationalism and Exile: The Life of Elizabeth Mafeking. Congratulations, Holly! Here is a link to the book’s website.

Shailaja Paik gave an invited talk on her second book project at the India-China Institute, New School of Social Research. She has been invited and has joined the advisory board of the India-China Institute. Paik was also invited to participate in the Malathy Singh Fellowship celebration at Yale University. Paik received this fellowship in 2012-13. At the event round table Paik talked about challenges and new directions in social history. 

Christopher Phillips was the keynote speaker for the Missouri Conference on History at the University of Missouri at Kansas City on March 7, 2019. He presented "Southern Cross, North Star: The Politics of Irreconciliation and Civil War Memory in the American Heartland." On March 29, he gave an invited presentation, "The Western Way of War," at the annual conference held by the John L. Nau III Center for Civil War History at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. C­SPAN recorded the conference presentations for broadcast. Finally, Oxford University Press released the paperback edition of his award-winning book, The Rivers Ran Backward: The Civil War and the Remaking of the American Middle Border. 

Willard Sunderland was notified in late March that he has been selected as first alternate for a year-long fellowship for next academic year at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, DC. He’ll find out later this month if a fellowship will be available. 

Graduate Student News

Petersen Niehoff published a review of Simon Brown, Cecil Hepworth and the Rise of the British Film Industry, 1899-1911 in Film and History.

Anne Delano Steinert delivered a talk at the Public Library of Cinncinati and Hamilton County titled, “Lens on the Past: A Virtual Hike through Historic Cincinnati Housing.” The talk explored lantern slides produced by the Better Housing League in the 1920s.

Angela Shope Stiefbold reviewed Hope in Hard Times: Norvelt and the Struggle for Community during the Great Depression by Timothy Kelly, Margaret Power, and Michael Cary (Penn State Univ. Press, 2016) for Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography.

Faculty News

Isaac Campos published “Mexicans and the Origins of Marijuana Prohibition in the United States: A Reassessment,” in the Social History of Alcohol and Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal. He was also interviewed in various outlets about recent controversies related to marijuana, psychosis, and violence. As part of this, he offered a long-form interview to “Points,” the blog of the Society for History of Alcohol and Drugs, and published a draft article on the subject. That interview and article can be found here

In December, Wayne Durrill reviewed history applications for Spencer Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowships administered by the National Academy of Education. The fellowships focus on education broadly, but include many from historians. In January, he evaluated history applications for the Spencer Foundation. In February, he evaluated an article-length manuscript for the Journal of Social History and also gave a lecture on internal conflict in the Confederacy to the Cincinnati Civil War Roundtable. 

Sigrun Haude published the chapter, “Who is in Charge? Politics, Religion, and Astrology in the Early Modern German Lands,” in A Sourcebook of Early Modern History. Life, Death, and Everything in Between, edited by Ute Lotz-Heumann (London: Routledge, 2019). 

Shailaja Paik presented her ongoing research on “popular culture” at invited talks at the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University. She also participated and presented on the panel “Ambedkarite Folk Dramas in Colonial Mumbai” at the 18th International Conference on Maharashtra in Austin, Texas. 

Kate Sorrels was awarded a fellowship from the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. She will be in residence at the Center during the spring semester of 2020. 

Rebecca Wingo delivered a keynote address, “A Tale of Two Projects: Success and Failure in Community Engagement” and a workshop on the same topic at the University of Indiana— Bloomington. She also received her advanced contract for Digital Community Engagement: Partnering Communities with the Academy from the University of Cincinnati Press. Additionally, her proposal for a co-authored chapter called “Collaborative Pedagogy in the Public History Classroom” was accepted into the edited volume Public Historians in the Classroom. 

Willard Sunderland gave an invited lecture to the “Seminar in the History of Empires” at the University of Turin in Turin, Italy, on February 28th. 

Jeff Zalar taught the faculty and staff development workshop, “Teach Students for Lifelong Learning: Honing the Transferable Skills of a Well-Ordered Mind.” The workshop was offered through the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. 

Sign-Up for the Capital! Spring Break 2019 DC Trip!

Interested in visiting the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. during Spring Break 2019? If so, we’ve got some good news for you: THE HISTORY DEPARTMENT HAS TICKETS! 

Join us for a low-cost, exciting trip to DC to visit the NMAAHC this coming March during UC’s Spring Break week. 4 days, 3 nights, only $250! The first 20 Bearcats who contact Dr. Holly McGee with their M-number and a message saying "Charge my account!" will go to D.C. March 16-19, 2019! Your student account will be charged NOW, and it is non-refundable. There are NO scholarships available this year. 

March 16

  • Depart 6am
  • Lunch in PA (included)
  • Arrive D.C. 5pm

March 17

  • FREE DAY in D.C.
  • Walking tour of National Mall (4-6pm)

March 18

  • Group visit to National Museum of African American History and Culture (10am-4pm)
  • Lunch included
  • Group debriefing 6-7:30pm

March 19

  • Depart D.C. 6am
  • Lunch in PA (included)
  • Arrive Cincinnati 5pm

Graduate Student News

Daniel Farrell (PhD student) published “History Without a Capital ‘H’: Violence, Commodification, and the Perpetuation of the Postmodern Condition in Django Unchained” in Brian M. Jack, ed., Southern History on Screen: Race and Rights, 1976-2016 (University Press of Kentucky). Find out more about the volume here

Anne Delano Steinert (PhD student) gave a lecture at the Mercantile Library on January 15th entitled “All the Stories Over-the-Rhine Has To Tell.” She will offer another public talk on February 26th at the Main Library downtown (800 Vine Street) on Cincinnati’s historic architecture as displayed in the library’s remarkable collection of 19th-century lantern slides. For more on this event, click here.

Faculty News

In November of last year, Rob Haug presented the paper “Heroics and Rebellion in the Stories of ‘Abdallah b. Khazim and the Conquest of Khurasan” as part of the panel “Frontier Myth Making and the Eastern Lands of the Islamic World” at the annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, held in San Antonio, TX. 

The President-elect of the AHA and members of the AHA Committee on Committees have recently appointed Maura O’Connor to serve on the AHA’s George Louis Beer Prize Committee for 2019 and 2020. The prize recognizes outstanding historical writing in European international history since 1895. 

Over the winter break, Kate Sorrels traveled to Duncan, British Columbia to conduct oral history interviews for her book project, On the Spectrum: Jewish Refugees from Nazi Austria and the Politics of Disability in the UK and US. She presented papers related to different themes from the book at the History of Science Society conference in Seattle, the Association for Jewish Studies conference in Boston, and the American Historical Association meeting in Chicago. She also published a chapter, “Can Network Analysis Capture Connections across Medical Sects? An Examination of Allopathic and Alternative Disability Research in 20th-Century Europe and the US” in Tom Ewing and Katherine Randall, eds., Viral Networks: Connecting Digital Humanities and Medical History (Virginia Tech Publishing, 2018). You can check out the open-access online version here

Cambridge University Press published Jeff Zalar’s book, Reading and Rebellion in Catholic Germany, 1770­1914. For more on the book from the CUP website, click here.

Willard Sunderland completed a proposal review for Bloomsbury in January. He was also appointed as a Leading Research Fellow at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow. The appointment is for a three-year period. 

In a rare coincidence, the AHA and the MLA both met in Chicago in January. Rebecca Wingo presented “Can I Get a Witness?: Network Analysis in Research and Teaching” about the socio-political relationships of homesteaders in Nebraska at the AHA. At the MLA, she presented “Photographing a Place: Surveillance and Resistance on the Crow Reservation.” She also served her final year as the coordinator for the AHA’s “Getting Started in Digital History Workshop” and cannot be happier about getting her time and sanity back.

Black History Month Events!

Don’t miss the stimulating action, including scores of film screenings, historic Black church tours, and a soul-food cooking bonanza sponsored by the History Department. A special thanks to Professor Holly McGee for her energy and creativity in putting together this engaging program. See below for details, and please let us know if you can help with the tours or if you need a ride! 

Finally, scroll to the bottom to read more about a great opportunity to take a spring break trip to Washington DC with Professor McGee to visit the newly opened National Museum of African American History and Culture. Contact Profesor McGee for more details. 

Black History Month Film Festival: All Films in the V/R Room from 8-10 PM, pizza and popcorn provided! 

Feb 4: Selma
Feb 11: Imitation of Life
Feb 18: Black Panther
Feb 25: The Color Purple 

Feb 6: Purple Rain
Feb 13: Black Dynamite
Feb 20: School Daze 
Feb 27: Confederate States of America (CSA) 

*We've designated Fridays as "Family-Friendly Film Night," and invite members of the UC community to bring their children, family, and friends; all Friday movies are PG-13* 
Feb 8: The Help
Feb 15: Coming to America
Feb 22: 42 


Historical Black Church Tours 
Every Sunday in February, the Department of History will lead a tour of historical black churches in Cincinnati. This year, we will exclusively feature churches from the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) denomination, in celebration of it being the first, independent Protestant denomination founded specifically for blacks in the United States. Our tour will include: 
Feb 3: Allen Temple AME (7030 Reading Rd...service 9:50am)
Feb 10: Bethel AME Church (700 Mulberry St....service 11am)
Feb 17: Grace AME Church (1627 Fairfax Ave..service 10:30am)
Feb 24: Quinn Chapel AME (10998 Southland Rd...service 9:30am) 

If you can give a ride or need a ride to church, meet our caravan in front of McMicken Hall approximately 45 minutes ahead of each church service. Our caravan will leave McMicken Hall approximately 30 minutes prior to each service, so don't be late! And don't forget to bring $1 for the collection plate! 


The "Put Yo’ Foot In It" Campus-Wide Soul Food Cook-Off 
Working in conjunction with the AACRC and the SGA, the Department of History will host a campus-wide soul-food cook-off featuring an array of down-home dishes in ten (10) categories. Think you've got what it takes to win the Golden Foot Award? Registration spaces are LIMITED, so sign up now! 


Sign-Up for the Capital! Spring Break 2019 DC Trip!

Interested in visiting the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. during Spring Break 2019? If so, we’ve got some good news for you: THE HISTORY DEPARTMENT HAS TICKETS! 

Join us for a low-cost, exciting trip to DC to visit the NMAAHC this coming March during UC’s Spring Break week. 4 days, 3 nights, only $250! The first 20 Bearcats who contact Dr. Holly McGee with their M-number and a message saying "Charge my account!" will go to D.C. March 16-19, 2019! 

Graduate Student News

Anne Delano Steinert was awarded the Cincinnati Preservation Association's Preservation Education Award for her Finding Kenyon Barr exhibit.

Faculty News

UC undergraduates in History Club and Elizabeth Frierson's classes toured the USAF Museum in Dayton. They wore poppies from the VFW in recognition of the centenary of the conclusion of the First World War. At the museum, they received a WWI gallery talk by the museum historian and a behind-the-scenes talk on stored artifacts. 

Sigrun Haude presented the paper "Discourses on War and Peace in German Schreibka/endern (Almanacs) During the First Half of the Seventeenth Century" at the Sixteenth Century Society & Conference in Albuquerque, NM. 

Rob Haug presented the paper "Heroics and Rebellion in the Stories of 'Abdallah b. Khazim and the Conquest of Khurasan" as part of the panel "Frontier Myth Making and the Eastern Lands of the Islamic World." The panel came together at the annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association in San Antonio, TX. 

Willard Sunderland presented "The Greatest Emancipator: Abolition and Empire in Tsarist Russia" at the Russian Studies Seminar at Ohio State on November 30th • He has been awarded a Taft Center Fellowship for next academic year to complete work on his book on Russia and the world in the age of Peter the Great. During November, he also completed a manuscript review for Harvard University Press. 

Rebecca Wingo presented on digital public history and participated in a workshop on community engagement at St. Mary's University in San Antonio. 

Phi Beta Kappa

Two men standing, looking at camera smiling, one holding a certificate

Seth Cebula and Professor Jeff Zalar at Phi Beta Kappa initiation

History Major and Senior Seth Cebula with Professor Jeff Zalar at the fall induction of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation's oldest academic honor society. Congratulations, Seth! "Love of Wisdom is the Guide of Life"

Friends of UC Fall History Benefit

The Friends of UC History hosted their fifth annual Fall Benefit on November 10th in the airy, modern space of the Niehoff Urban Studio on Short Vine in Clifton. It was a happy evening of celebrating History and thanking our many generous friends, emeriti, and alumni for their faithful support. Photographic evidence below! 

Party On! And We Mean That Literally: The Party is…ON! Don’t Miss It!

The Friends of UC History Association will host its fifth annual Fall Benefit on Wednesday, November 14th from 6:00 to 8:00PM at the Niehoff Urban Studio at 2728 Vine Street (Short Vine) in Corryville right near the UC Campus. It’s an evening of delicious food, fortifying beverages, and engaging conservation, so you are all invited. Please join us by RSVPing with a click on the link below. Contributions to the department are warmly encouraged –even small ones! – but no fear: no payment of any kind is required to attend. It’s a free evening of celebrating History! All that’s truly required is…you! Come if you can, and bring a friend. We’d love to see you. Just make sure to RSVP in advance here.

Graduate Student News

Angela Shope Stiefbold won the second annual The Metropole/Urban History Association Graduate Student Blogging Contest for her post, “The Value of Farmland: Rural Gentrification and the Movement to Stop Sprawl.” Congratulations, Angela! Here is the link to her post

Faculty News

Isaac Campos’s article, “A Diplomatic Failure: The Mexican Role in the Demise of the1940 Reglamento Federalde Toxicomanías,” which appeared last winter in Third World Quarterly, has been published anew in a volume from Routledge: Power and Illicit Drugs in the Global South, edited by Maziyar Ghiabi. 

Sigrun Haude co-organized the symposium “1618 – 1918 – 2018: Cultures of War” at the Cincinnati Art Museum on 12 October 2018. She also presented there on “Time, Space, Action, and Agency in the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648).” 

Rob Haug traveled to Hamburg, Germany to participate in the conference “The Reach of Empire – The Early Islamic Empire at Work.” Hosted by the University of Hamburg, this conference was part of a five-year European Research Council-funded project that explored the functioning of the early Islamic caliphate from its provinces. Haug’s paper, entitled “Local, Regional, and Imperial Politics: Tabaristan and the Early Empire, Struggle and Integration onMultiple Levels,” used the case of two ninth-century revolts against Abbasid tax collectors in the mountainous coasts of the Caspian Sea to demonstrate how revolt could be used as a tool to reinforce and strengthen personal bonds between local ruling elites and the caliph. The proceedings will be published in 2019. 

Shailaja Paik gave an invited talk at a workshop at Columbia University and participated in historic Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Inaugural Lectures. She published a book chapter, “Refashioning Futures: Dalit Women’s Education and Empowerment in Maharashtra,” in Helen Ullrich,ed., The Impact of Education in South Asia: Perspectives from Sri Lanka to Nepal (Anthropological Studies of Education, Springer and Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 111-136). She also reviewed manuscripts for Duke University Press and Modern Asian Studies. 

Christopher Phillips’s 2016 book, The Rivers Ran Backward, will be issued by Oxford University Press as a paperback edition in May 2019. 

Mark Raider is serving as the Ruderman Visiting Professor at Haifa University in Israel for the Fall 2018 Semester. During his stay at Haifa, he is giving a series of lectures on American Jewish history and working with colleagues and graduate students in the Ruderman Program for American Jewish Studies and the Department of Jewish History. Meanwhile, he is teaching a new online version of “History of Showbiz: The American Experience from Vaudeville to Broadway” for the History Department. Under the aegis of UC International, he is devoting some of his time and energy to two special projects: (a) preparing a new Spring 2019 honors course, "Israel Today: Start-Up Nation" (HIST3110), which includes a12-day Israel study tour, and (b) assisting UC’s efforts to establish new institutional partnerships with Haifa University and Oranim College of Education. 

Rebecca Wingo’s co-authored book, Homesteading the Plains: Toward a New History (University of Nebraska Press, 2017), won the 2018 Nebraska Book Awards competition for Non-Fiction. Congratulations,Rebecca! 

Jeff Zalar was part of a forum discussion on Thomas Albert Howard, The Pope and the Professor: Pius IX, Ignazvon Döllinger, and the Quandary of the Modern Age (Oxford, 2017) at the biennial meeting of the Conference on Faith and History. He delivered the paper,“Faith, Reason, and Cultural Negotiation in Catholic Germany, 1800-1914” at the conference Agents of Cultural Change: Jewish and Other Responses to Modernity, ca.1750-1900 held at the German Historical Institute in Washington,D.C. He gave the invited lecture, “Prayer and the Christian Life of the Mind” to the Catholic Medical Association at the UC College of Medicine. 

Affiliate Faculty News

Peter van Minnen (Classics), editor-in-chief of the Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, brought out the latest issue (55, 2018). In this issue, there are thirty-seven contributions from thirty-eight scholars from fifteen countries. Papyrology is the study of ancient texts on papyrus and other writing surfaces other than stone or metal. If you are looking for primary sources for just about any topic relating to the ancient world, BASP is it. 

Alumni News

Mary Lindemann, who received her Ph.D. in German history in 1980 from the UC Department of History, has been elected President of the American Historical Association for 2020. Mary has published at least eight monographs with major presses and has received numerous prestigious national fellowships. She serves currently as Chair of the Department of History at the University of Miami (Florida). For more details on her story, see this page

Priyanka Srivastava (Ph.D. 2012) was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of History at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst in 2018. Her book, The Well-Being of the Labor Force in Colonial Bombay: Discourses and Practices, was published in early 2018 by Palgrave Macmillan. 

Save the Date!

Our 5th Annual Friends of History Fall Benefit will be held this year in the stylish modern spaces of the Niehoff Urban Studio located on Short Vine Street right here in Clifton on Wednesday, November 14th from 6:00-8:00PM. Make sure to join us for an enjoyable evening of fortifying beverages, fine food, and friendly conversation. More details ahead! 

Faculty News

Mark Lause was interviewed by Pacific Radio, which is offering his Long Road to Harpers Ferry: The Rise of the First American Left (Pluto Press, 2018) as a gift for their pledge drive. Listen to the interview here

Shailaja Paik published “The Rise of New Dalit (“Untouchable”) Women in Indian Historiography” in History Compass. She also gave an invited talk on her research at the Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change, University of Minnesota. 

Christopher Phillips presented the invited public lecture, “Southern Cross, North Star: The Politics of Region, Irreconciliation, and Civil War Memory in the American Heartland” at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. The lecture was part of the Distinguished Lectureship program of the Organization of American Historians. Founded in 1907, the OAH is the largest professional society dedicated to the teaching and study of American history. The event was sponsored by University of Alabama Libraries, the Summersell Center for the Study of the South, and the Department of History. 

Kate Sorrels attended the German Studies Association’s annual conference in Pittsburgh, where she participated in a seminar on “Race Theory in Classical German Thought” and moderated a panel on “Imperial Fantasies, Population Politics, and the Changing Patterns of Global Migration in the Long 19th Century.” 

Willard Sunderland is one of three editors of Russia’s Great War and Revolution in the Far East: Re-Imagining the Northeast Asian Theater, 1914-22, a volume of essays just released late last month by Slavica Press. (His co-editors are David Wolff [Hokkaido University] and Yokote Shinji [Tokyo University]). The book represents the fourth installment in a multivolume international series devoted to showcasing new research on the Russian Revolution and Civil War in conjunction with the centennial anniversary of these momentous events. Willard co-wrote the introduction to the collection and also has an article in the book: “Baron Ungern’s Mongolian Pogrom.” The other essays feature new research by North American, Russian, and Japanese scholars.

Man standing in front of ferris wheel holding book, wearing sunglasses

Professor Steve Porter with his award winning book

Professor Steve Porter won the Peter Dobkin Hall History Book Prize for his Benevolent Empire: U.S. Power, Humanitarianism, and the World’s Dispossessed (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016). The prize is awarded by the Association for Research on Non-Profit Organizations and Voluntary Action. Steve will receive his award and be recognized at the Awards Luncheon on 16 November at the ARNOVA Conference in Austin, TX. Congratulations, Steve!  

Affiliate Faculty News

Brown and Littlefield Publishers brought out Joseph Takougang’s co-edited volume (with Julius Amin), Post-Colonial Cameroon: Politics, Economy & Society. He will discuss the new book at the Taft Research Center on 18 October from 11:00 to noon. He also conducted a research trip to Cameroon as part of his ongoing examination of Cameroonian migration.

Emeriti News

Barbara Ramusack’s essay, “Christian Missionary Women’s Hospitals in Mysore State, c.1880 ­1930” was published in Society, Medicine and Politics in Colonial India, edited by Biswamoy Pati and Mark Harrison (Routledge,2018), pp.122-47. She completed a three-year term on the American Historical Association’s Joan Scott Prize Committee for the best book on women’s history. Finally, she discussed textiles of South India at the Cincinnati Art Museum. The program was a prelude to “The Fabric of India,” an exhibition from the Victoria and Albert Museum arriving in October.

Graduate Student News

Ph.D. candidate Angela Shope Stiefbold published a blog entry on the Urban History Association’s Metropole blog entitled, “The Value of Farmland: Rural Gentrification and the Movement to Stop Sprawl.” Read more here

Undergraduate News

Lily Frierson led a group of undergraduates on a tour of the Niña and Pinta replicas in Newport in connection with History 3000 and their reading of Marcy Norton’s book, Sacred Gifts, Profane Pleasures: A History of Tobacco and Chocolate in the Atlantic World. She took another group from her course on WWI and the World to the Cincinnati Museum Center’s Geier Center to see WWI artifacts. Many thanks to the curator, David Conzett, retiring in November,for his time and contributions to Cincinnati history-keeping! 

Upcoming Events

Evening Reception 
The evening reception for Anne Delano Steinert’s exhibit, “Finding Kenyon Barr,” will take place in the Meyers Gallery in the Steger Center on Thursday,11 October. Anne will discuss the exhibition for the Planning Department at DAAP at 12:30PM on Tuesday, 23 October. 

Film Screening and Discussion 
On Wednesday, 14 November, Jeffrey Brown, the producer of a recent Czech film on the events of 1989 called Listopad will be on campus to discuss the film and offer a screening. Look for more news about this event in next month’s issue of “The Primary Source.”  Here are links to the film trailer and on Jeffrey Brown

On Friday, 12 October 2018, from 9:00-6:45 in the Fath Auditorium of the Cincinnati Art Museum (CAM) in Mount Adams, Professor Sigrun Haude will host the symposium, “1618 – 1918 –2018: Cultures of War.” The symposium will bring together scholars from diverse disciplines from UC, Ohio University, and the CAM to discuss the problem of war in history and culture, with special attention to the historical legacies of two pivotal international conflicts: theThirty Years War, which began in 1618, and World War I, which ended in 1918. The symposium, which is free and open to the public, will also include an exhibit tour and a concert performance by the Collegium Cincinnati. 

In Memoriam

We regret to report the death of Marion Brown, a student of Gene Lewis, who received her doctoral degree in History from UC in the mid-1990s. Her dissertation on US banking in the pre ­Civil War period was published as The Second Bank of the United States and Ohio (1803-1860): A Collision of Interests (Edwin Mellon Press, 1998). Here is a link to her obituary