Cincinnati Conference on RALL

Clifton Court Hall Atrium

April 4-6, 2024

44th Cincinnati Conference on Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures

Keynote Speakers:                                                     

Marie Darrieussecq, French writer and translator
Mayra Santos Febres, Puerto Rican Professor and Author, U. de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras

Graduate Student Co-chairs: 
Olga Sanz CasasnovasSpanish
Florian GriffonFrench

Conference Director:
Dr. Carlos Gutierrez

Call for Papers

44th Cincinnati Conference on Romance & Arabic Languages & Literatures, April 4-6, 2024

The Cincinnati Conference on Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures is the oldest graduate students conference in the United States. It has run uninterrupted since 1980, with panels on all aspects of Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese languages and literatures. In 2019 Arabic was added to the department and to the conference. By 1983 the conference was attracting more than 200 presenters annually, currently we only accept 120 papers to make it an enjoyable and intellectually satisfying experience.

Faculty and graduate students are invited to submit abstracts for papers dealing with all areas and aspects of Romance and Arabic languages, literatures and cultures. Proposals on film, popular culture, cultural studies, creative writing, digital humanities, and non-canonical approaches to literature are especially welcome.

Please submit abstracts here through the 44th CCRALL website

The 2024 keynote speakers are:

Marie Darrieussecq, French writer and translator

Marie Darrieussecq (born 3 January 1969, Bayonne) is a French writer. She is also a translator, and has practised as a psychoanalyst.

Her books explore the unspoken and abandoned territories in literature. Her work is dense, marked by a constant renewal of genres and registers. She is published by the French publisher P.O.L.

Her first book, Truismes (Pig Tales), published at the age of 27, the metamorphosis of a woman into a sow, was a worldwide success, with a circulation of more than one million copies in France and abroad, translated into forty languages. (Source: Wikipedia)

Mayra Santos Febres, Puerto Rican Professor and Author, U. de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras

Mayra Santos-Febres (born 1966 in Carolina) is a Puerto Rican author, poet, novelist, professor of literature, essayist, and literary critic and author of children's books. Her work focuses on themes of race, diaspora identity, female sexuality, gender fluidity, desire, and power. She is a cultural activist who helps to bring books to young readers and the less fortunate. Her writings have been translated into French, English, German, and Italian. (Source: Wikipedia)

Individual presentations will be limited to 20 minutes and will be accepted in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, and Arabic. For consideration, please submit an abstract or panel proposal here through the CCRALL webpage.  Please fill out all the boxes and make sure you include the category in which your paper fits best. The abstract should be 250 words explaining your thesis and potential outcomes. If proposing a panel, follow the panel proposal options in the Google Form, including the title of the panel and of all the papers to be presented in the panel with their corresponding abstracts. There is a limit of four papers presented per panel.

Co-chairs: Olga Sanz CasasnovasSpanish & Florian GriffonFrench
Conference Director:
 Dr. Carlos Gutierrez
If you have any questions, please email us at

Deadline for submission: Friday, December 30th, 2023

Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Download the Call for Papers PDF here.Replace with your text


You received a registration form with your acceptance email. This form must be filled completely and emailed back to or sent by mail. There are three options for payment of registration fees:

  1. PayPal: Please follow the steps below to complete your transaction.
    1. Go to and sign in to your own account.
    2. Select “Send” money and enter the email,, as the recipient.
    3. Enter the proper corresponding amount for your registration (found above).
    4. Finalize transaction.
    5. If possible, save the transaction page as a PDF (or JPG) and email us a copy of this receipt to for confirmation.
    6. Thanks!
  2. Venmo: If you choose to pay through Venmo, please send your fees to @ccrall-registration. If you pay this way, please email a copy of the confirmation email you receive to us at
  3. If you prefer to pay your registration fee by check, please send the check (made out to           Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages) along with your Registration Form to:

Dr. Carlos Gutierrez
Director of Graduate Studies (Dept. of RALL)
University of Cincinnati, P.O. Box 210377
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0377

We look forward to seeing you in Cincinnati!