Cincinnati Romance Review
The Cincinnati Romance Review is a peer-reviewed electronic journal published by the Department of Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures of the University of Cincinnati. The journal was founded in 1981-82 and has been published electronically since 2008.
We invite original submissions and reviews on any subject related to Romance languages, literatures, and cultures. Submissions may be written in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian.

Meet our Editors
María Paz Moreno: Executive Editor
Prof. Moreno holds a Licenciatura en Filosofía y Letras from the University of Alicante, Spain, and a Phd. in Spanish Literature from The Ohio State University. Her research focuses on Contemporary Spanish Poetry, Food Studies (Gastronomy and Culinary Literature), and Spanish Women Writers. She is the author of several scholarly books and critical editions, among them El culturalismo en la poesía de Juan Gil-Albert (IGA, 2000), the critical edition of Juan Gil Albert, Poesía Completa (Pre-Textos, 2004), the volume Cartas a Juan Gil-Albert. Epistolario selecto (IGA, 2016), and the poetic anthology Concha Zardoya. Antología Poética (IGA, 2008). In the area of food studies, she has published two monographs: De la página al plato. El libro de cocina en España (Trea, 2012), and Madrid: A Culinary History (Rowman & Littlefield, 2018).
Antony Jan Carlo Varela-Ávila: Assistant Editor
Jan Varela is a graduate student pursuing an MA in Spanish and a Graduate Certificate in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Cincinnati, where he also serves as a Spanish language instructor and as assistant editor for the “Cincinnati Romance Review”. As an editorial services consultant, Jan has experience in Spanish language editing, English-Spanish translation, and developmental editing and consulting. He has worked as an editor, interpreter, historian and communications specialist for nonprofit organizations, international cooperation agencies and humanitarian action programs, such as the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems and the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences. His research interests include Central American Literature, sexuality, sociolinguistics, and publishing studies.
Current Issue - Volume 56 (Fall 2024)
Octavio Paz and Gendered Spaces: Nature and the Search for the Other in Libertad bajo palabra
Mark J. Mascia, Sacred Heart University
“Mejor esto que nada”: Employment and Exploitation in Pablo García Casado’s Dinero
Paul Cahill, Pomona College
The Three Magi Ladies and the Wise King: Diana, Circe, and Medea in Alfonso X’s General estoria
Juan Udaondo Alegre, Penn State University
The Vertigo of Relativity and Molière’s Comedy of the Modernizing Self: Dominance, Narcissism, Masterful Discourse, and Repression from Arnolphe to Argan
Larry W. Riggs, Butler University
José Saramago: “Auschwitz não está fechado, está aberto”
Carlos Nogueira, Universidade de Vigo
Le contrat de lecture imaginative dans Le Palais des Orties de Marie Nimier
Jeanne-Sarah de Larquier, Pacific University
Book Reviews
Comfort, Kathy. Representations of Marginalized Populations in French WWI Literature: Muted Voices. Lexington Books, 2023.
Reviewed by Thérèse Migraine-George, University of Cincinnati
Maglia, Graciela (ed.). Helcías Martán Góngora: Edición crítica. Editorial Universidad Santiago de Cali; Instituto Caro y Cuervo, 2022.
Reviewed by John Thomas Maddox IV, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Lasso-Von Lang, Nilsa (ed.). Gloria Guardia (Panamá): acercamientos críticos. Casasola, 2024.
Reviewed by Kathleen Cunniffe Peña, Muskingum University
Sergio C. Fanjul, La España invisible. Barcelona: Arpa & Alfil Editores, 2023.
Reviewed by Cristina Sánchez-Conejero
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Cincinnati Romance Review
Department of Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures
University of Cincinnati
PO Box 210377
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0377
ISSN 2155-8817 (online)
ISNN 0883-9816 (print)